Quote Originally Posted by .: SparrowHawk :. View Post
Thanks for your kind words, Kreyhn! I really enjoyed playing with wood and brass, and organic vs mechanical themes, which I definitely plan on expanding upon in version 2.0 of this saber. Fun stuff

Is that making sense? Hard to describe these spatial things sometimes!

Let me know if that helps in your process, I've been meaning to draw up some crystal chamber models in 123D Design for another build that has some similar challenges for the RICE port, and I can totally share them with you!
You are most welcome! Your description does make sense. My crystal chamber is in a 1.15"ID part, and I have a bunch of chassis Disk 3s that I can muss about with. I like the idea of the parallel alignment, but I think with what I'm planning to put together, the chamber might not have the space. It's certainly worth considering, though! I'll keep that idea in mind as I keep designing things.

I had been trying to figure out how you got the threads to work, but you used hot glue! I guess I had been hesitant about the idea of gluing anything in my saber that I didn't consider that as an option. I'll keep that one in mind, too!

Thanks for being so open about your work!