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Thread: New 3D MHS builder

  1. #1
    Owner of the Custom Saber shop Strydur's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Default New 3D MHS builder

    We have a beta version live which you can see here..

    Let us know any issues you come across..

    We are already aware of the following

    -issues with crossguard
    -issues with curved piece
    -issues with font and image sizes on different resolutions
    The Custom Saber Shop

  2. #2


    *brain explodes* Thank you Strydur! Will test it out right now!

  3. #3


    Well, I went through and made a couple of designs with it, I didn't run across any bugs other than the ones already listed (so far, going to be doing more testing). Here are some things that I feel are missing, but hopefully are only missing because it is in beta.

    -One is the overall length of the build, I find this useful because it let's me know if the parts I have in there are a bit too much.

    -Two, the activation boxes. This is kinda a big one as it helps with finding a box that will work as well as possible alignments for the box along the hilt parts.

    -Three, the services section is lacking currently. I will grant that adding in powder coat textures as an option might be a bit much with the current beta, especially since there isn't even a fully up to date image list of the current powder coating options.

    -Four, image exporting. This was a very very useful function, especially when making a mockup of a hilt to get the alignments right then saving a copy for later.

    -Five, Chassis parts should be an addition into the builder, this would help with part selection and knowing things like the speaker mount chassis v6 will fit into your current hilt design.

    -Lastly, I would like to see an option to be able to export the 3D model so people with 3D printers can use the model as a base to print out custom chassis.

    I'll do additional testing on the beta and report any bugs I find.

  4. #4
    Owner of the Custom Saber shop Strydur's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    -One is the overall length of the build, I find this useful because it let's me know if the parts I have in there are a bit too much.
    --- Planned

    -Two, the activation boxes. This is kinda a big one as it helps with finding a box that will work as well as possible alignments for the box along the hilt parts.
    --- Planned

    -Three, the services section is lacking currently. I will grant that adding in powder coat textures as an option might be a bit much with the current beta, especially since there isn't even a fully up to date image list of the current powder coating options.
    --- Planned

    -Four, image exporting. This was a very very useful function, especially when making a mockup of a hilt to get the alignments right then saving a copy for later.
    --- Planned but is a pain for technical reasons.. for now screenshot is your friend..

    -Five, Chassis parts should be an addition into the builder, this would help with part selection and knowing things like the speaker mount chassis v6 will fit into your current hilt design.
    --- Planned...far down the road

    -Lastly, I would like to see an option to be able to export the 3D model so people with 3D printers can use the model as a base to print out custom chassis.
    --- Not planned for multiple reasons
    The Custom Saber Shop

  5. #5


    I can imagine one of those multiple reasons would be plagiarism... yeah, I can see that.

  6. #6


    It's pretty great! I do miss being able to see prices and length by hovering over the parts in the menu and the right-click and "see part in store" funtion. Other than that and the things already mentioned I love it.

  7. #7


    I also can't save my builds so x.x I was able to see my dream saber in the new builder at least though =]
    Light or dark. the path doesn't matter. What matters is how you act once you have chosen a path

    DV6 Saber Hilt

  8. #8


    It looks great so far.

    I think my only real complaint would be that the previews are a bit hard to see. If the back ground was white or black it might be easier to tell what the parts are. There are so many extensions and they are roughly similar in size and shape, so it's hard to tell which is which without cross referencing to the store.

    If you use a scroll wheel to scroll the parts the preview zooms in and out. if you use the scroll over the preview the camera zooms but the parts don't scroll, as expected.

    It would be nice if right clicking identified the part number in the menu, or if there was a button that one could click to identify all of the parts in place. Alternatively, if the parts list could move around and clicking on the parts highlighted the part number and/or click on the parts list highlighted the part, it would be easier to identify.

    Currently "Edit" is orthographic, but "Cutaway" is in perspective, and "Preview" is in perspective. I think Edit and Cutaway should match since they are in that static editing mode, or there should be an option to toggle between ortho and perspective.

  9. #9
    Owner of the Custom Saber shop Strydur's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    Most of what has been mentioned we have already noted and will be worked on. Thanks for testing it out and let us know if you find any other issues or have any other suggestions.
    The Custom Saber Shop

  10. #10


    Will mobile compatibility be on the hit list?
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