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Thread: Introducing "Fierfek"

  1. #1
    Force Aware vctrsone's Avatar
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    Talking Introducing "Fierfek"

    Re-introducing Fierfek....

    {imperial marching music starts up.....again}

    from a galaxy far far away comes all new pictures of Fierfek in its finished form!!!

    "Fierfek" is huttese for curse...and since I hardly slept since I started building it I thought it was appropriate. "Star Wars the old republic" was the inspiration behind my design i wanted to make something crossed between a steam punk light saber and a sith light saber.

    thats with the flash on and no flash.

    no lights and speaker grill.

    speaker some little bits of crap on it in this photo but it shows the little trumpet and its mesh. the very end, this whole part comes off.

    switch and hilt close up.

    hilt some more..and added recharge port shown.

    Fierfek measures 14" from point to point and I used 1" copper tube as my base and a range of recycled copper and brass parts as well as hand made parts i beat out like the switch cover and the switch holder and lens holder which you cant see..
    2010 tcw obi won hasbro board , 3w amber"super bright" led,10 degree Colimator lens,4x AAA 900ma ni-mh in custom holder with recharge port beside the on button.
    I used a tip42c transistor and slightly modified cardcollectors great diagram.

    I'm using a 0.5watt speaker from an mp3 player portable speaker box (the ones you see for cheap every where) it has a a little trumpet just behind the speaker acting as a sub hole lol!
    the blade is a 27"" one that I made. I wanted to keep it short as I"m making this as an intended pair of short blades for duel welding.
    the hilt has a thin copper pipe flattened and wound around and then braised in place.
    the bottom screws off and so does the head. and every part can be taken out, with out taking the whole thing apart.
    its all braised together and it was a hell of time trying to fit everything into a 1inch tube..

    ooh and as you might have seen in the pics the entire thing was measured out with an eyechronometer (by eye I didn't use a measuring device once lol).

    My old mans an artist who makes "eccentric electric" lamps out of recycled brass and copper. he has a whole work shop full of interesting stuff and tools for this kind of thing, hence i decided to go with brass and copper. it was dads (cheers dad) idea to beat and wrap copper pipe around the handle as the grip, which looks so good now that it is buffed and clear coated.

    big thanks to all the peeps in for there help with the wiring.

    Its been a lot of hard work but I love it!!
    Last edited by vctrsone; 01-07-2011 at 12:04 AM.

  2. #2
    Council Member
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    Lord Dottore Matto's Avatar
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    Very creative.
    All n00bs READ these first (PLEASE)!!!:1. LDM's Basic Saber-build Step-by-Step Tutorial 1A. Maul's Saber Dictionary 1B. THREAD INDEX 1C. Econo Sound Diagrams
    TCSS the #1 Part supplier of LDM customsabers!

  3. #3


    Very unique looking! Nice job! I can't believe you got everything to fit into such a small diamter hilt. Home run on your 1st build.
    Jedi Ronin. No Master, save the Force.

  4. #4


    Very nice! It puts me in mind of the saber Haazen gives to Lucien in the KOTOR comics.

  5. #5
    Force Aware vctrsone's Avatar
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    Auckland, New Zealand


    haha great! I havnt seen it but sounds like Ive got the era bang on

    thank you everyone at tcss forums for your help with my newbish questions over the last few days

  6. #6
    Sith Warrior Sairon's Avatar
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    Very intiresting, not very many sabers like this one. Nice job, looks great.
    New to the forum: READ, READ, READ! it's the best way not to get flamed.
    Time for a kirby dance <('-'<) (><) <('-')> (>'-')> (>'-'<)<('-'<) (><) <('-')> (>'-')> (>'-'<)

  7. #7
    Sith Minion mihunai's Avatar
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    It is interesting in design, and it looks great (curved sabers are allways a good thing)
    But for me the red ruins it a bit, so does the shiny black PC...

    Personally, id just add some dark weathering to the bare aluminum, but thats just me..


    Official Owner of Skottsaber at Bowling

  8. #8


    I have been looking at this saber over the last few days and have come to really like it. It's a very creative build.
    I am a fan of older looking and organic sabers, and to me this has a touch of both which imo is pretty cool. I do tend to agree with Mihunai, the red and black need to get a more aged look to match with the rest of the saber.

  9. #9


    I have to say, I really really like the front half, but the bottom pommel half looks like it's wrapped in painted tin foil though. If you did see the need to upgrade that section I'd suggest finding the right size tube and seeing if you can get it bent the right curve to match. Impressive "cram-fu". From what I gather the new cheap hasbro boards aren't the easiest to wire. Overall good job!
    Last edited by Crystal Chambers; 06-30-2010 at 07:19 PM.

  10. #10
    Force Aware vctrsone's Avatar
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    Auckland, New Zealand


    lol you haven't seen that handle your calling tinfoil up close its beautiful highly polished copper and silver. and its solid braised onto it..its never ever coming off..the bottom of the container shaped thing on the pommel scews off and the top part of it is braised on. hehe I will get some close up pics so you can see what it really looks like. thanks for the feed back

    ooh and the rubber grip is really aged when you see it up close its got all ages cracks and what not and the red is actually some tape i was experimenting with making it a bit more interesting looking..but have come to like it with no tape better.

    this wasn't buffed or clear coated, which it is now hehe that handle is fricken beautifull now! lol got way more robust switch for it too its red and black but quite recessed..and not going to break while dueling which is the best thing lol.

    and theres no alloy in this build is all copper and brass

    I will take some close up detailed photos cant see the steam punk style speaker grills on the end of the pommel or the braising work hence the confusion...this is one solid saber (as in dont drop it on your toes weighs about 1.5kg at least lol its very balanced feeling in hand tho)

    edit: its all done now
    Last edited by vctrsone; 07-03-2010 at 03:17 PM.


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