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Thread: New saber for a friend

  1. #1

    Default New saber for a friend

    So this is a saber that a friend wanted me to make after seeing my personal saber Custos, which I posted here His inspiration was Kannon from Star Wars Rebels, and when I saw his drawing, I figured that I could make something at least close to what he wanted. What he's seen of it so far has him giddy like a school girl, and he hasn't even seen it fired up or painted, and I don't blame him, I feel like it turned out pretty darn good.

    It's got a Tri-cree b/b/w, nano bisotte 2.0, pli, bass speaker, nothing overly fancy. It was my first time using a PLI, and I think that they are great and add to the over all look, and I want to use one on my next saber.

    Concept by friend:

    Concept from MHS builder:

    Actual saber:

    And then this one next to my personal saber:

  2. #2


    Good work!
    All n00bs READ these first (PLEASE)!!!:
    1. Forum Guidelines
    2. FJK’s “Down and Dirty” guide to Ohm’s Law

    "Yeah, yeah, I've heard it all before... you want blindingly bright, super loud, running 1138 blinkies off of the cheapest sound card you can find AND you want all of it to run on a battery the size of a dime, and run for a very, VERY long time. That one cracks me up every time..."
    My email:

  3. #3


    *sniff* you're a good friend
    Elegance doesn't compromise functionality.

  4. #4


    Lol, well he gave me the money for the parts. I wish I could afford to give out hand made sabers lol

  5. #5


    oh lol. I'm the president of the Star Wars club in my high school, and we're building our sabers with the power of fundraising
    Elegance doesn't compromise functionality.

  6. #6


    Noice work. I wish I could give out a bunch of sabers, too. Right now I'm struggling just to raise money to give 1 away. Trying to do it as a Christmas present so there's still time. I'm digging the PLI. I'm thinking I'll have to use one when I eventually make my next MHS.

    A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.

  7. #7


    I love it! I espescially like the PLI. I will have to work one of those into my next project. Or should I say, my next project that I get to do for myself. I also have a friend that wants me to build one for her boy friend for Christmas. lol


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