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Thread: Huge news about the Petit Crouton/New TCSS Soundboard

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  1. #1


    Why are some people making this more complicated than it needs to be?

    For a year now we've known a new soundcard would be coming to TCSS...Strydur was [correctly imo] not forthcoming with too many details about what it might be, so I see no reason for anyone to have had any specific expectations and certainly not user customizable soundfonts...I never expected that so am in no way disappointed this doesnt have them.

    What it does have is two sound options which is one more than Ultrasound did [I liked Ultra's choices but if I hadnt I had no other choice at all eh? With this if you don't like one 'meat' try the other] and a board that presumably will not have the quality control [or switch? etc] issues that plagued Ultrasound, has a warranty that will be honoured - this is no small thing - if the odd bad one gets through [not so likely with MH testing EACH one not samples] and is based on Plecter quality design and with the functional nicety of the Plecterlabs standard two button control schema for reliable blaster bolt and lockup, APOP, 2 accent LEDs...etc...and a REAL LED DRIVER...and IT WILL BE REGULARLY AVAILABLE.

    Sounds to me like this is equal or better than the US 2.5 in every way and some people STILL aren't satisfied??? ??? ???

    [let me note again: ...and IT WILL BE REGULARLY AVAILABLE.]

    Since my other sites are music sites I'll just have to quote Brother Mick:

    You can't always get what you WANT, but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you NEED.

    [yet again: ...and IT WILL BE REGULARLY AVAILABLE.]

    This is exactly what this hobby NEEDS and the ingratitude of the "I want it all, I want it all, I want it all and I want it now" complaints about what PC-L 'isn't' is disturbing imo.

    [one last time: ...and IT WILL BE REGULARLY AVAILABLE.]

    Hallelujah, Halle Berry, Halley's comet, Hal 9000 and HAL YEAH this is the best news in this hobby in a couple years and people need to show more appreciation not cast doubt.

    The people who are bringing this forward must wonder why they bother with some of the response they are receiving but I can only thank them.

    So thats it: "Thank You."

    My 0.02 cents Cdn...we now return you to regularly scheduled other rants already in progress...LOL

  2. #2


    I haven't read ALL the other posts and I'm sure I'm repeating but....

    This IS very awesome!.....All I have to say is the US 2.5 only had ONE font. Having light and dark fonts is a huge improvement! Everyone is very lucky to even have a steady supply of DIY sound boards when ripping out MR/FX or econo boards was the only "easily" accessible option. These will be even easier to get since you wont have to find/gut another saber to get sound. Or in a line up for limited runs of a board twice the price with a few more customizing options. Being able to buy the other font on an SD is an awesome idea! Just having a board designed by Plector Labs and affiliates is a huge bonus and better then anything I had expected in a TCSS board.

  3. #3


    If you guys don't t like the sound fonts available for this board, then simply don't buy it....or better yet, spend the time and money required to make one yourself. Believe me, it is no easy task...we spent months over at JSSDC working on a viable option that would not compete with the CF, but compliment it instead...oh and totally blow away an Ultrasound 2.5, which this one does, very handily I might add. We contacted several electronics engineering and manufacturing firms, got quotes, discussed features at great length, and finally, erv saw what we were going through and helped us out....then Eastern took time out of his schedule to work on two very nice sound fonts that while, not quite what i wanted, are ten times better than the one found on the ultrasound. The only nice thing about the Ultrasound's sound font was the ignition effect....the hum was weak, the swings were lame and sounded nothing like the hum (swings are supposed to be doppler effects of the actual hum, and should at least match it in tone/depth, right?), and the clashes were terrible, and were also way too easy to set off....anyone with an Ultrasound ever get a clash effect while spinning your saber? I certainly used won't get that with a PC....then there was the annoying clash effect everytime you booted the board and powered it up. Every one complained about that, and some still do....again, you won't get that either with aPC, and the board is priced the same.

    The PC-L is light years ahead of the Ultrasound on so many levels (except the motion sensors, which was done to avoid any patent complications), and yet many of you see fit to still complain about it. I guess all of you complainers just aren't happy unless you've got something to complain about. this is supposed to be a good thing....don't ruin it for everyone else.

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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Onli-Won Kanomi View Post
    Since my other sites are music sites I'll just have to quote Brother Mick:

    You can't always get what you WANT, but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you NEED.

    [yet again: ...and IT WILL BE REGULARLY AVAILABLE.]

    This is exactly what this hobby NEEDS and the ingratitude of the "I want it all, I want it all, I want it all and I want it now" complaints about what PC-L 'isn't' is disturbing imo.

    Hallelujah, Halle Berry, Halley's comet, Hal 9000 and HAL YEAH this is the best news in this hobby in a couple years and people need to show more appreciation not cast doubt.
    I see that you also quoted Queen.
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    BLUE 8 Ready to ROCK and ROLL!

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Onli-Won Kanomi View Post
    My 0.02 cents Cdn...we now return you to regularly scheduled other rants already in progress...LOL
    Wouldn't that then be two-hundredths of a cent?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by iamdrake View Post
    Wouldn't that then be two-hundredths of a cent?
    that's fine. canadian dollars are worth more. ^_^

    i think i need to look at some LM and DM videos again. or i could just get both cards... decisions, decisions...

    Duel - to fight someone 1 on 1. Dual - 2 of something in line with each other.
    Quote Originally Posted by Multiple People
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  7. #7


    People are just mad because it seems that they cant configure it like a CF board. Freedom to do it all!! However this board, at least the PC-U, isnt super loud for me compared to a CF 4.3. turned down to 3/4 the way up. I know there are different variables on all sabers but I just want to tell people that Im super duper happy with it even though this is the case. I thought in the beggining that it would be exactly like a CF but if you do I think youll be dissapointed. Nevertheless I will be f5ing my way to the first batch trying to buy 5!!! Yes Thank you for this. And also dont listen to these negative Nellies, you know you can charge 150-200 and people would still by it. Just for the fact it will be easily available.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by dj2rbo View Post
    Nevertheless I will be f5ing my way to the first batch trying to buy 5!!!
    There's no need to use the F5 keep to get these, since they will be IN THE STORE. This won't be like trying to get a CF.

    Even if it's supposed to be a metaphor, you're still comparing it to the CF, which it's not. Quite.

    Does your apostrophe key work, by the way?
    Just wondering, since I never see you use it.
    In order to see the Light,
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jedi-Loreen View Post
    There's no need to use the F5 keep to get these, since they will be IN THE STORE.
    do you mean F5 key?

    i do have a minor question that i'm sure the manual will answer about accent LED outputs - will they be able to be set up as low power indicators? what kind of power do they put out? i assume they're as multi-configurable as the PC-U, but how much does that mean? the way i figure it, i can squeeze 4 accent LEDs out of the whole thing - 1 for main power wired to the killkey/recharge port, one wired in parallel to the main LED, and 2 from the board LED outputs. i know i should just wait to get my hands on the manual and the picture of the board, but it's just so exciting! ^_^

    Duel - to fight someone 1 on 1. Dual - 2 of something in line with each other.
    Quote Originally Posted by Multiple People
    To Azmaria listen you should...

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Azmaria Dei View Post
    do you mean F5 key?

    i do have a minor question that i'm sure the manual will answer about accent LED outputs - will they be able to be set up as low power indicators? what kind of power do they put out? i assume they're as multi-configurable as the PC-U, but how much does that mean? the way i figure it, i can squeeze 4 accent LEDs out of the whole thing - 1 for main power wired to the killkey/recharge port, one wired in parallel to the main LED, and 2 from the board LED outputs. i know i should just wait to get my hands on the manual and the picture of the board, but it's just so exciting! ^_^
    If I set it up like you describe you could have 5 accents... I have one set up with 2 accents off the main and one off each accent pad right now and that's 4... I have also set them up running 2 accents off of one pad in that case you could run up to 7...

    As far as volume goes... I find this board to be as loud as any of the CF's I have... If you set it up with a proper resonance chamber you should have no problem with volume... Also I have found that if you float the clash sensor instead of attaching it to the board you'll get a better response from the hits...
    Last edited by beggarsoutpost; 02-20-2011 at 12:46 PM.



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