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Thread: Problem with MHS sound/speaker/battery combo

  1. #1

    Default Problem with MHS sound/speaker/battery combo

    So, I recently managed to snag one of Tim's last few US Cards in the form of the pre-wired combo pack. I got it wired into a saber, plugged in a couple of Trustfires, and was exceptionally happy with the way it sounded. Then I discovered a problem.

    If I actually try to duel with the saber, I can get one, maybe two hits, and then the entire card shuts off until I open it up and remove and replace a battery. They don't look like they're getting knocked out by the impact, and I'm at a loss to explain it.

    Any ideas?

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  2. #2
    Sith Minion mihunai's Avatar
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    Mar 2009
    The Netherlands


    Chances are it touches the hilt somewhere. id put some wrapping (like some plastic giftwrap or maybe even shrinkwrap) around the soundcard so its completely insulated.


  3. #3


    or tape the batteris in place... like with a piece of electrical tape or somethign around the holder/pack

  4. #4


    kinda the same thing with that set-up and my cf. only the 5th pad (aux swich) touches the inside of the hilt everytime I duel or something... So I has to do one thing.... go-to-clash=blaster effect! it quit funny after awhile! but I just have to eather grind that solder joint down abit or redo! (just a funny story having to to with this kinda thing) but I have to agree with x197 on this one.

  5. #5


    I was getting that same problem, the springs on your pack may be too weak to hold the batteries in contact, a good way to test is to take the battery pack out and separate it from the board and test it by flicking it with your finger, if the springs are weak you'll get the same behavior outside the hilt.

  6. #6


    Happens to me too, its the trustfires moving in the holder and loosing contact, I think the trustfires are slightly longer than a AA so its kind of bottoming out the springs and not giving it any shock absorption. Cant tape them in with this setup so it kind of sucks. I don't duel much so i just deal with it.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by mihunai View Post
    id put some wrapping (like some plastic giftwrap or maybe even shrinkwrap) around the soundcard so its completely insulated.

    DON'T do this!!!! The Ultrasound gets warm when it's running, and can actually get too hot, especially if you're runnning a Lux III with trustfires, and if wrapped in heatshrink tubing, the parts on the board will de-solder themselves! It needs to be able to blee off the heat somewhere, and wrapping the board will not allow it to do that.

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  8. #8


    Hmm. Good advice, Jay-gon Jinn. I never realized that the soundboard heats up. Does this apply for all the other soundboards as well? Does the Crystal Focus, Master Replica, and Hasbro toy soundboard heat up?

    I've just constructed my first lightsaber and I got the soundboard from a recently purchased Arbiter from Ultrasabers. The MR soundboard it came with has a plastic/rubbber heatshrink cover. Is this a bad idea?

  9. #9


    If I'm remembering correctly, Misael, that's fine to do with MR or Hasbro, but a huge no-no for US and CF.
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  10. #10
    Jedi Master Kal El Rah's Avatar
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    High in the hiltops of the SIMI Valley


    just unstick the board, put a piece of electrical tape around the batts and stick the board back on, the tape will keep the batts secure and not interfere with the board.


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