Hi all its been a while since I posted a saber. So here is Ganomatis. Its a scratch build with electronics from the TCSS. It has a theme of being a saber that was maybe found or given to someone and they repurposed it as their own. They have taken it apart and reassembling it leaving some parts exposed like the emitter and pommel section. The person maybe hasn't quite got it working right and likes to make constant changes and tweaks so they have it to where they can get to the internals on the fly and make adjustments at a moments notice. Its mostly aluminum and brass with flat black and black chrome powdercoat and has some acid etching on the exterior. Also the crystal chamber has a removeable crystal. The retainer for the chamber also has a switch that is connected to the new tangible font selection feature on the CF8. Also I placed a secondary aux switch in the core section for use when 'repairing' the saber sound fonts crystalline workshop and calibrate and have a demo in the video below.Thank you and criticism always welcome.

triCree xpe2 RGrB
2w Bass Speaker
PLI in box
14500 7.4pack 1040mah
internal RC and RICE port
stock fonts -shoto, youngling +crystalline workshop, calibrate
secondary hidden aux switch
shine through blade retention screws
