But hey,
I am new to making my own saber...

I will always ask questions no matter how stupid they may sound. I know I will end up trying to help others out later.

Right now what I have in my wishlist is this... Im going to see able adding a weight to the pommel of the saber to send the point of balance to where I need to get it...

I honestly have no idea about resistors and buckpucks. I think I have everything I need in the wish list, IDK Ive watched the video showing how to make a basic one with everything on the site... however, JST connectors look like they make everything uber easy. SO hence I am going that route for my first build.

Any suggestions as to what wiring I need would be helpful.


I will always end up updating and posting pics just for the fun of it when I get further along. Any way Hope everyone is doing fine and happy after halloween folks.

Sleepy Tired Esquire the fourth