Hey guys. Been reading some forums here and there and wanted to get on here and say hi since I just joined but I have basic questions. I have ben using the MHS builder and trying to make a saber. I got the body how I want it now the question remains. What do I get as far as electronics? I am planning on just using a carbon fiber blade adaptor so I don't really need electronics for blade purposes but I do want a lighted switch. What do I need to buy to just get a switch going? Im not savy on resistors and all that fun stuff but im a fast learner. The switch I want to use is this one: http://www.thecustomsabershop.com/12...itch-P927.aspx - How do I go about getting what I need and the knowhow to get it working? Any help would be great and I appreciate it in advance. As far as the switch hole on the hilt itself, I chose the recessed 12mm AV switch hole style. would that be the right hole for this switch?