Quote Originally Posted by Darth Wumbo View Post
I actually have zero soldering experience but know a friend who is an expert. I'm sure you've heard this before but, how hard can it be? I just hope I don't end up ruining a $100+ board.
Yeah, you might not like the real answer to that question. Fortunately, I know people who fix boards once they've been "borked".

Quote Originally Posted by Darth Wumbo View Post
As far as actual features, this is going to be a pretty basic saber. I'll only have one switch to turn it on/off and I'm fine with unscrewing it to recharge or change the sound font.

I think the Prizm is the sound module I want. I'd much prefer the smaller Nano Biscotte, but it doesn't have FoC. I think there's enough room to squeeze it in the 2" female between the rotating crystal chamber and the choke, but I'll have to find a way to mount it to something to keep it from rattling around. Any ideas? Hot glue is my first thought. My next is some sort of scaffolding made of toothpicks
NB's (V2's) do have FoC. You still won't fit it into a 2" piece, as only 1" of it is really "usable". You could use the chassis parts sold int he store, assuming you can come up with the right design, and then get it all to fit. You'll find that the space is a whole lot smaller than you think it is.