Ok so first a run down on the build I plan on using: Nano Biscotte V2, powered by a Li-Ion 18650 3.7V 3400mAh Rechargeable Battery, Switch Craft recharge port, this tri-rebel http://www.luxeonstar.com/neutral-wh...star-led-230lm wired for FoC, a 16mm Anti Vandal Short Momentary White Ring Switch, and a speaker. Now my main question is have I connected the power for the power xtender correctly? And also if anyone out there could take a look at my wiring schematic and look for any errors (resistor values ect.) or make any suggestions it would be appreciated.


On the Tri-rebel I have LED 1 and 2 wired in parallel with one resistor for the two of them and the third wired for FoC with its own resistor. Also it may be hard to see but there is a dyna ohm resistoe on the + wire going to the AV switch

tri rebel.jpg

Again any comments or tips would be appreciated (:

Side note- I got the resistor calculation off an LED resistor calculator if that matters