Hi All,

First post, please bear with me. I've been reading the Start Here stuff and will continue to read more and more. That said, I do have a question relating to building my own saber.

My concept, as it stands, is for a nagimaki-inspired saber. That is, to have an obscenely long handle (at the moment, around 19", but maybe as high as 24"). I'm tentatively planning to use a CFSC v6.5 + CF v6 Color Xtender to drive a LED Engin LZ4 RGBW.

I'd like to make the blade cycle through all the colors, smoothly transitioning from one to the next, and have this be the "default" mode. (It may come up in red, but it would immediately start the transitions). This is the effect that I'm aiming for: low quality video. (No, that's not me. He has hair.) Does that make sense?

Is this possible? With the CFSC + CX? What other options would I have? Thanks.