So as my kyp durron build SLOWLY putters along with all of my revisions, and revisions on existing revisions... LOL I was origianally going to go with an RCS chassis, then I saw the build by Caz343 on FX and I REALLY like the Idea of a aluminium chassis. it would give it a nice feel and heft to it.

That being said I have one consern for any of you who have done a aluminum chassis,

HOW do you get your board not to short out? I have been looking at some of sloths aluminium chassis' and I notice he has no heatshrink in there. (i know this is THE slothfurnace we are talking about but still it must be possible)

Any Ideas out there or tutorials I missed?

I will be using erv's awesome new CF V6.1 so I REALLY don't want to mess it up either by shorting it out or by covering it with something that makes it overheat.