As most know, i've been looking at doing this one a while to go with my Do-Clo Imp.knight saber.
The tubing I used for the base is 35mm chromed copper, 2mm walled. It was originally going to be a graflex- inspired sith hilt back in my old EL days, but since I messed up the emitter curve, I used it as a tester piece for practicing my dremelling, gluing etc, so seemed the perfect piece of scrap piping to cover with an outer skin:

I've been looking at ways of doing the 'organic' look of these style sabers for a while, and found this epoxy putty for filling holes in exhausts pipes etc:

So, I grabbed a roll of this stuff, and started on the pommel, which was originally a piping endcap or the like:

Once it had dried, I decided to try it on the hilt:

If you mix the putty centre outwards, you get a darker grey, so i've randomly spotted this around to break up the colour scheme abit:

And the current result (until I get a blade holder, I can't slide the electronics in):

I'm giving it afew days to properly dry, then going to black it up abit, then varnish it so it looks slightly less like a floater!
Quite happy with it at the moment.