
I'm working on getting my first saber set up correctly. At this stage, I believe everything is wired up correctly. However, I'm finding that with all bits stuffed into the hilt, the saber's sensitivity to swing and clash seems pretty low. I can get a swing sound going with a fast thrust or a swift side-to-side motion, but very rarely with an actual swing. Likewise, I have to whack the blade into something pretty hard to get a clash detection.

Using RICE, when I try to adjust the sensitivity, I can get the saber to launch into making repeated swing sounds even when the saber is sitting still on a table. I can't seem to find a reliable happy medium where the overall swing and clash sensitivity are improved however.

I have primarily been working with the Clash, Swing, and General Sensitivity sliders.

I messed around a lot and didn't keep a good record of the results, but in general turning Swing Low down below the default 50 resulted in repetitive swing sounds, and turning General Sensitivity over 75 generated repetitive sounds, but there wasn't a noticeable difference between 55 and 75.

Does anyone have any input into what these settings are actually doing, and what I should expect the results to be when adjusting these parameters?

Thank you!