My Question Is This:

Is is OK if I mount a 7.4v Li-ion 2600mAh 18650 Battery Pack in the narrow portion of a TCSS "choke" part and have the battery "touching"/"butting up against" the bottom of my LED heat sink and LED wires?

I am running a Tri-Cree "R G RB" LED so there are six wires if that matters. In this configuration the wires actually serve to hold the battery snugly in place in the choke part since the battery has just a slightly smaller diameter than the internal diameter of the choke part.

Is this safe or is the heat from the LED going to make the Battery Melt/Explode/Something Else Awful?

I am being especially paranoid since this saber is for a six-year old and he is probably going to be... less than gentle with it.

Due to the layout of the parts, I have (shockingly) very little space in my hilt. XD

I was going to try to cram a 7.4v Li-ion 800mAh 14500 Battery Pack into the hilt with the rest of the electronics but I realized I could actually use the larger/more powerful 7.4v Li-ion 2600mAh 18650 Battery Pack and have a LOT more space in the hilt if the battery resided ABOVE the hilt, primarily in the "choke" portion of the saber.

This configuration gives me a TON more room in the hilt which is nice since I still have to cram all this into the hilt:

Recharge Port
R.I.C.E. Port

Thanks in advance,
