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Thread: Questions about the MWS...

  1. #1

    Default Questions about the MWS...

    I've been lurking on several sites, mostly just looking over what everyone's built for themselves, or who is selling what. I have a few Ultra's, but I've gotten the bug for wanting to build my own. I've got quite a parts list going, but I just want to make sure everything is going to work (look! The whole reason for the forums!). I'm nervous about soldering. I've done it before, but for my first build, I just want to get it going. It's going to be stunt, for simplicity and cost. My main question though is will these parts just clip together and I'll be done? After some of this "cram-fu" I keep reading about, of course.

    The parts I want:

    -2AA Battery Holder with JST connector. I see that for the MWS I'll have to use 14500 batteries; no problem there.
    -Rebel Star LED & MHS Heatsink Module in Green. This seems to come with everything I need for a light, though correct me if I'm wrong
    -MWS Long Latching 16mm AV Switch - Black with the Green Dot. It says it comes with a resistor, as the non-MWS ones didn't, so I think this should be good to go as well. I do have an activation box picked out for this as well.

    Is this all I need? Or do I need the MWS Momentary to Latching Converter to properly hook everything up? If so, I assume I'll need the 4.5v - 20v version because I'd be running two 14500 batteries which are like 7.2v.

    Am I wrong? Should I get a JST Extension or two as well? The nervousness of frying parts is making it slightly hard to figure everything out, but I'm sure I'm not the first. Thanks in advance for any and all help!

    Edit: First post! Yeeha!

  2. #2
    Owner of the Custom Saber shop Strydur's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    You need a MWS buckpuck or sound module to plug everything into.
    The Custom Saber Shop

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Strydur View Post
    You need a MWS buckpuck or sound module to plug everything into.
    Alright. Does the buckpuck still need the accent LED resistor screw terminals jumpered? Jumped? Whatever the term is!

    Thank you for such a quick response!

    Edit: Also, I see I should probably get some tape or something to protect the buck puck from shorting out. I'm not too savvy on electrical anything, but with the battery setup, it seems that this should be all set. Hopefully I'm not missing anything else. I've drawn up a crude "wiring diagram" of how I think it's going together. The switch box is green cause I'm nerding out over the black switch with a green dot. Maybe it should be black...


    Edit2: A picture of what the handle will look like when it's done. In the reviews for the emitter, someone posted a picture of their saber. I'm really looking forward to it!

    Last edited by Kentavius; 07-31-2014 at 08:10 PM.

  4. #4
    Owner of the Custom Saber shop Strydur's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    yes.. but put a note on the order and I will do it.

    The diagram looks correct..
    The Custom Saber Shop

  5. #5


    Oh, sweet. Another question: any chance I can get the switch box powder coated? It'd be the only silver part on the whole hilt lol.

    As a side note, it seems your powder coating has suddenly gone out of stock and jumped out of my cart? Is that cause I went to it through the shop? Or is it really out of stock?

  6. #6


    One suggestion, and it also makes things look classy when one does it carefully is to get some of the acrylic disks for the buckpuck, batteries and, if you want it, the recharge switch (if you have one in the design) and the needed brass tubing and 4-40 "Stainless, all thread" in the page. Having something that holds things together and keeps them from sliding around in the hilt is very nice and also seems (at least for me) to help me organize and plan out how the electronics and such are going to fit together inside the hilt. Remember to check that you get the right diameter disks though if you go this way (it will say on the header for each of the disks). Also, don't be to threatened by the soldering thing. I learned what very little I know of electronics from researching the boards and looking at the videos members have put on youtube and trying to figure it out and then hopping in. 5 Sabers later and I haven't yet (knock on wood) blown up a saber or burned down my house. Good luck!

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Kentavius View Post
    Oh, sweet. Another question: any chance I can get the switch box powder coated? It'd be the only silver part on the whole hilt lol.

    As a side note, it seems your powder coating has suddenly gone out of stock and jumped out of my cart? Is that cause I went to it through the shop? Or is it really out of stock?
    Powder coating is only offered from the 15-30th of the month, to allow for the "steady flow" of PC work to occur.
    All n00bs READ these first (PLEASE)!!!:
    1. Forum Guidelines
    2. FJK’s “Down and Dirty” guide to Ohm’s Law

    "Yeah, yeah, I've heard it all before... you want blindingly bright, super loud, running 1138 blinkies off of the cheapest sound card you can find AND you want all of it to run on a battery the size of a dime, and run for a very, VERY long time. That one cracks me up every time..."
    My email:

  8. #8


    Is it possible to powder coat the switch box as well?

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Kentavius View Post
    Is it possible to powder coat the switch box as well?
    I don't see why not, though different colored screws might look a little off. I would ask Tim first though.
    All n00bs READ these first (PLEASE)!!!:
    1. Forum Guidelines
    2. FJK’s “Down and Dirty” guide to Ohm’s Law

    "Yeah, yeah, I've heard it all before... you want blindingly bright, super loud, running 1138 blinkies off of the cheapest sound card you can find AND you want all of it to run on a battery the size of a dime, and run for a very, VERY long time. That one cracks me up every time..."
    My email:


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