So I FINALLY got me a full Jedi costume after all these years, well, the belt isn't complete yet. I ordered the costume off Amazon but NOTHING is Rubies made so no worries there. But I was wondering if the costume would be welcomed. I wont be posting my costume though until after I get my personal saber ordered and done which wont be until sometime after June or July due to Comic Con and concerts. Its nice Earth tones, came with a good robe for once, its a nice dark brown, its not an Obi-wan replica costume more of the generic Jedi type. So let me know on this. =] I'll try to get full shots. If you guys don't mind me using a stunt saber from another company though then that'd be cool too, I just wont say their name. I will be doing a new stunt build during the summer though. Hope you guys will like my build. =] Its either going to be a Rebel Green or Cyan depending on what shade the Cyan is at right now. Its just going to be a stunt, 4 AAA battery and 1000mA buck puck set up type thing. Finally got my final hilt design too unless new MHS parts come out by June or July.