Hello all,

As this is my first time posting, I want to begin by expressing my admiration for this community--your combined love for all things Star Wars, willingness to help each other, and the very welcoming approach you all have for saber builders of all levels is a refreshing sight in this Mos Eisley-esque realm called the Internet.

So, after a terrible event involving a Luke UFX saber and an ill-timed drop on an ill-placed banister, and the rediscovery of my childhood saber in the attic (a 1997 Kenner Luke hilt with a Vader emitter/red blade), I'm jumping in to saber building myself. I'm planning on using PVC as it's a low-cost option and easier to work with (I want to recreate the aforementioned childhood saber), and I managed to salvage the entirety of the electronic guts from the UFX saber, aside from the LED strip.

Long story short, I would like to use a green Rebel Star LED & MHS Heatsink Module in this build. As I'd like to keep this as simple as possible, can I just wire the LED module directly to the board, or will I need other materials to make this work? I'm not changing the power set-up--sticking to the 3 AAs that the UFX was designed to use (again, this is meant to be as simple as possible, as this is my first real foray into electronics outside of replacing dead save batteries in old Gameboy carts).

Thank you all for your time, help, and consideration.
