Hello saberland, this is my first saber that i've built. Well me and some help from a friend of mine.
I started out with a 2007 Hasbro Luke ROTJ that i wanted to convert, with time i realized that i didn't like the look of that hilt at all,
uncomfortable to grip and i couldn't stop getting annoyed with the switchbox.

So with the help of a friend who had access to a lathe, the project started.
Since i had no experience or access to a lathe, my friend had to help with machining.
I supplied inspiration from what i wanted my saber to have and together we came up with this.

It's a combo between Dookus Jedi-saber and Ki Adi Mundis arena saber(The one Anakin is handed in the last big fight of AOTC)
(Picture of the arena saber can be found here http://www.sitharchives.com/prequels...-ki-render.jpg)

1W premium speaker
07 Hasbro Luke ROTJ board
3xAA batteryholder
Blue Cree XR

I had no experience whatsoever with soldering but i followed the wiring chart of the Luke ANH/Obi-wan ROTS -soundboard and
took it step by step and everything went pretty good.
The soundboard on the 07' Luke ROTJ looks like a 07' Yoda but wires as a Luke ANH/Obi-wan ROTS.
You can imagine the confusion...

Build and glam pics!

First up is wire strippin and preparing for soldering

Second is the fail i made by soldering the wires going out the side of the cradle,
all there was to do was unsolder and solder it the right way.

Third is a closeup of my soldering and wiring on the soundboard,
tried to have just as much wire as needed to avoid a ''snake nest''
Soldering was a bit tricky since i had never done it before, but it works
and everything is where it should be

Fourth is a closeup of the soundboard temporarily fitted in the cradle,
i'll be doing a permanent fitting some day soon.

And the fifth is how the cradle looks in the hilt

The rest are glampics, the blade is the stock FFX blade. Nothing is done to it.
Could use a tip with a reflector,
other than that it lights up
suprisingly good.



Hope you all like it, i'm very pleased with how it turned out.
I tried my best with the limited/none skills i had, it will be more sabers in the future that i can promise.

From the beginning i was only going to do a luxeon conversion, and se were we ended up!