(Warning: This may be a long post)

So here I am, one year after finishing my first sabers, (which I have yet to post on the forum), with a new design.

Two (ok, maybe 3) questions for today.
The first is concerning sound options. I don't have sound in any of my first sabers because I was making four at one time, I did't want to put in a $130 sound board. However, when I saw there is a new sound option (Nano Biscotte), I started on making a new saber design. BUT, I was just reading up on the differences between the Nano Biscotte and Petit Crouton. The difference in features is well reflected in the price.
Here is my question to those that have worked with sound: Should I just pay the money for the Petit Crouton and have all the bells and whistles, or can I still get a good deal of saber-swing, blade-clashing action out of the Nano Biscotte?

I may, at some time in the future install a Nano Biscotte in my first sabers, regardless of the which sound board I choose for the new saber.

The Second is concerning a 'Fake' crystal chamber.
I want to have some light emitting from slots cut in the choke. I'm thinking of just using 2 LEDs, one at each end of the choke (or 2 at one end). I'm just not sure about mounting (chassis disc?).
Any Ideas?

The Third, and final question is: Color (Colour)?
I've got ideas, but cant really decide.
Comments, concerns, criticism, LOLs?

Here's what I've got in mind.
next saber.jpg