
Type: Posts; User: Eld

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  1. Replies

    Thank you. Youve been very helpful!

    Thank you. Youve been very helpful!
  2. Replies

    Fantastic! Much more doable than opening up my...

    Fantastic! Much more doable than opening up my hilt! Do you know if this is applicable to the flicker, shimmer and fade effects as well?
  3. Replies

    I see. Thank you. I was hoping I could do it via...

    I see. Thank you. I was hoping I could do it via RICE since my card is hard to get to, but if that's the only way, then..."this is the way"
  4. Replies

    Profiles colors and RICE

    Hi saber gurus!
    I'm here to plead for your help help setting up my sound and color profiles on the CF 7.5 using rice.
    Yes, 7.5! It was the latest board when I bought it, and it took this long to...
  5. Thread: SMDs. AARRGH

    by Eld

    Awesome! Thanks so much for the help. I...

    Awesome! Thanks so much for the help. I mistakingly
    pre-tinned both pads which made it harder to hold in place. Hindsight and 20/20 I suppose!
    Anyway, I really appreciate the feedback. Now, it's...
  6. Thread: SMDs. AARRGH

    by Eld


    Hi all. So I'm soldering my first ever SMD resistors, and it's been a struggle. Those little buggers are challenging!
    I have, what I think, are good connections. Mind you, I have no way to check,...
  7. Replies

    I still haven't been able to find any answers....

    I still haven't been able to find any answers. Surely someone knows!
  8. Replies

    NBv3 and two speakers?

    Gearing up for my 3rd and 4th build, and I'm curious if I can push two speakers with the NBv3 and or CF 7.5. Is it possible, and if so, is there a diagram someplace that I've missed? I would be using...
  9. The fins around the crystal are copper washers....

    The fins around the crystal are copper washers. The bronze piece between the silver chassis disk and the electronics housing is a cast washer I ran across at a local shop. I cut it to function as a...
  10. Thanks! Magic sculpt is actually what I used to...

    Thanks! Magic sculpt is actually what I used to sculpt the original! It really is good stuff. I use it in lots of applications.
    The metal rings are all either tcss chassis pieces, washers, or...
  11. Replies

    Test your wiring by touching your switch wires...

    Test your wiring by touching your switch wires together. If your wiring is ok the board ignite, and the switch is the problem. If your problem persists, the trouble is elsewhere.
  12. Thanks guys! I appreciate the encouragement! ...

    Thanks guys! I appreciate the encouragement!

    As for what's next? The same as most I'm afraid...waiting
    I have a saber planned, but I've been waiting for the parts I need to be restocked. In...
  13. Custom Crystal Chassis Graflex 2.0 Finished (pic heavy)

    Hi everyone!

    I recently finished this Graflex 2.0 kit, and thought I would share it with you. This is my second build ever. The first being a basic install with no custom work.
    I didn't adhere to...
  14. Wow! Thanks for the post! This site looks...

    Wow! Thanks for the post! This site looks absolutely amazing. So much stuff I didn't know I needed!

    Thanks man! I'm using a 5mm blue led.
  15. I was having a hard time finding what I wanted as...

    I was having a hard time finding what I wanted as a well. I wanted a brass color for the fins, and couldn't find much at the big hardware stores. I found some copper washers at a local mom and pop...
  16. You could make one on the cheap. All you would...

    You could make one on the cheap. All you would really need is the clay and paint. I chose to mold and cast mine in plastic, but it wasn't really necessary.

    Thanks man! The only reason I went...
  17. Thanks! It was more out of necessity than...

    Thanks! It was more out of necessity than aesthetics though.
    I have a cool idea for the wiring which may look really cool too...or really bad! We'll see soon enough!
  18. That makes sense. Cold casts are usually coated...

    That makes sense. Cold casts are usually coated to protect the finish, but I would be afraid it would eventually wear off leaving exposed metal. It could probably still be done, but extra care would...
  19. Thanks! Only the housing is a casting, and it...

    Only the housing is a casting, and it was pure resin. No metal fillers, so I guess in wouldn't be considered a cold-casting.
    I'm curious though. Why would a metal cold cast be ill advised?...
  20. First Crystal Chamber & Custom Chassis progress pics

    Hi everyone!
    I am but a humble Padawan attempting my second build ever. I have chosen to try my hand at the Graflex 2 kit, and wanted to incorporate a Crystal chamber into somehow. Most of the parts...
  21. Thread: Board Position?

    by Eld

    The latching switch is for the accent led.

    The latching switch is for the accent led.
  22. Replies

    Charge your battery?

    Charge your battery?
  23. Thread: Board Position?

    by Eld

    Thanks for the insight! I was figuring the...

    Thanks for the insight!
    I was figuring the board would be okay, but I wanted to double check since I'm still new at this. I'm building this chassis from scratch, and trying to incorporate the...
  24. Thread: Board Position?

    by Eld

    Board Position?

    Hi, I'm working on a custom chassis for my current build, and I'm curious about the importance of the board positioning.

    The way I have it set up will have the NBv3 near the pommel, and at an...
  25. Thread: Cram-Fu question

    by Eld

    Thanks for the reply! I will probably have about...

    Thanks for the reply!
    I will probably have about a 1/2" between the led housing and battery. The wires are all coming out the center of the module, so it's necessary to have some space.
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