Quote Originally Posted by Darth Vane View Post
i just want to find out as much info as possible before
that's why you need to DO YOUR HOMEWORK...

before posting a question on a forum, any forum, always start by reading trough lots of posts, then use the search engine, then google it a bit, then if you can't find it, you know you can ask.

Newbie questions are generally answered a gazillion times.

Now, for the matter at hand, you don't need a sink tube for holding the electronics.
As a matter of fact, I use sink tubes as the body on some of my hilts... but I use something else INSIDE for the electronics.
I'm kinda lazy, and don't make battery packs. I don't make electronics craddle either.
Instead, I get a 8-AA battery pack (2x2x2 style) that I modify - it fits TIGHT in a sinktube or a king-sol flashgun, I can tell
I modify it so 4 batteries are used, and the other side is protected room for electronics.

maybe I should take pictures some day.