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Thread: green k2 power *sigh*

  1. #1

    Default green k2 power *sigh*

    Ok...I want to get into the recharge pack thing but seeing that the green k2 target mA is 1500 and all the 4.8v are either 1000mAh or 2600mAh, nothing in between. Of course I don't really know the difference of mA and mAh, so that probably doesn't help. Would 6v be pushing the LED too much, cus I want that sucker BRIGHT. I'm use to a 5w green, but they are not very space efficient (22inch long battery pack) and I want to eventually get a sound card/effects package without spending 8238923 dollars on Erv's. So I guess my question is : how far can I push a green k2 with a recharge pack and what pack/resistor/whatever do I need? I'm getting better with this whole wiring thing, but obviously not much better.

  2. #2
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    mA is a current, mAh is the battery capacity. The mAh doesn't prevent the pack from delivering the current the LED needs...

    So if space is a concern the 1000mAh pack is fine... it just won't have good runtimes.

    To put it in perspective, in an ideal situation say the LED wants 1000mA of current the 1000mAh pack will last 1 hour, and the 2400mAh lasts 2.4 hours. (mAh, stands for milliamps per hour)
    RED LEADER Standing by!

  3. #3


    Awesome. Thanks xwing. Space will no longer be the concern, because I will be replacing the 5w most likely. How do I achieve maximum brightness though? What combo do I need? A 7.2v with the right resistor will work right?

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by chase View Post
    Awesome. Thanks xwing. Space will no longer be the concern, because I will be replacing the 5w most likely. How do I achieve maximum brightness though? What combo do I need? A 7.2v with the right resistor will work right?
    Yes, you could still use the 7.2v battery pack. you will need a 2.7 ohm 5w resistor that Tim sells here. That would keep ypu from having to get a 4.8 or 6v battery pack.

    I know I hate it when I upgrade my LED and have to change everything in the Hilt. THe good news about that battery pack is that it will power a Crystal Focus Saber Core.
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