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Thread: Silver blade???

  1. #1

    Default Silver blade???

    I saw a company selling what they called "silver" blades. It looked more white with a hint of pink to me but I am mostly colorblind...I ask because a friend of mine wants hers made silver.Wouldnt it just be white then?If anybody knows the secret or if its even possible any and all help would be appreciated.On a side note I personally want a black blade.If it is merly tinted thats fine as long as it would still somewhat show at night,If anyone knows please help,but I think the black is most likely out as I see no real way of making it happen.


  2. #2
    Owner of the Custom Saber shop Strydur's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    white EL looks silverish..I guess white LED does also sort of.

    The Custom Saber Shop

  3. #3


    Black blade? An interesting thought to say the least. I wonder if you could stain the diffuser with a thin layer of paint or ink?

  4. #4


    Not sure if you could pull off a black one... Tinting the blade would make it look dark in daylight, but it wouldn't be visible at night, or if it was, it would just look like a dirty white or a faint white.

    The problem here is that black absorbs the light instead of reflecting it out, and there is just no good way of projecting darkness with current technology. It would be a sweet looking saber though...curse modern physics!!! [!]

    Silver sounds like a good idea...Definately use a white light source. Hmm...maybe a faintly tinted diffuser or film.... Small metal shavings in the tube may not be possible, or wise. Plus, there's no good way of getting highly reflective shavings in there...besides it would just add a sparkle effect instead of a color effect. I think that a white light-source with a faintly tinted film may be the best bet.

    Basically, you want to tint the film enough to give the white light an appearance of grey or silver. Just coloring the film silver won't do it since silver is one of those colors that doesn't project. I'd suggest getting a white led, and play around with different tint levels on a scrap piece of film to try finding the right level/combination to achieve the desired results. If you find something that works, definately let us know!

  5. #5


    What if you stained the diffuser a really deep purple? That might look a little like black. Or people will think you're some kind of girly man running around with a purple lightsaber blade. On the other hand, Mace Windu had a purple blade, and he could lay the smack down.

  6. #6


    I'm pretty sure I started the whole "Silver blade" thing by using white LED's. But I didn't make the name up, it's in the expanded universe. You get a pure white blade by using a carbon diamond as the focusing crystal. A white bladed saber is called a silver blade.

    A black blade could sorta be made by using a UV LED. Then you would have a black light saber.

  7. #7


    I was wondering the other day if it can be done and what it would look like if you used car window tinting inside the blade? would look black and still show light, granted not near as much light but enough to see. Besides, a black blade no matter how its done wouldnt show much light, but it would look cool!


  8. #8


    you could try the black tint with white el

    "Many claim to have found serenity, and through serenity to have overcome anger. Such arrogance is astounding."</center>

  9. #9


    No really, please stop.
    Dark glasses filter out bright light, It's what they do.
    A Darksaber, nice concept, but sadly one that will remain so.

    Now you can buy rgb Luxeons, so I guess with all three on you could adjust your tint backwards from white.

    The White 5 Watt Luxeon does look silver.
    Not sure about the 5 watt warm-white, but it looks cool.

    I prefer a Mace FX II , with a 5w royal Blue Lux, with the pink diffuser, gives a cadburys velvet purple.
    One for the ladies, and oh what a chat up line.
    My saber is Deep purple.
    "It's the longest one"
    with the chocolate reference you know you're onto a winner!


    "There is no try, only do or not do."

  10. #10


    That is my problem--stoping... You see, I am not a person who can except the "it cant be done" logic. I am sure that some time ago it was said that making home made lightsabers to the caliber we are here could not be done and now look at us. Look at some of the sabers that have been made that have left the realm of "home made" and gone straight to "art". Just like anything else, or any other obsticale put in front of us, there is a way. All we have to do is find it. I am sure that when we do we will kick ourselves for not seeing it earlier as well. Besides, whats the harm in dreaming, experimenting and discussing the results.Good or bad there still results and that puts us one step closer. As I have said in most aspects of my life-The only way to know the right way of doing anything is to screw it up a few times to learn what not to do...

    But enough of my mindless babling-please continue.



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