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Thread: Star Wars Galaxies: A Call for Jedi

  1. #1

    Default Star Wars Galaxies: A Call for Jedi

    *Hi guys, some of you might remember me, others might be too young. I've had a really really busy summer with real estate so I've not been on here at all. I do want to thank Do-Clo for the saber he did for me back in march though it is a beauty.*

    I know many of you might have played SWG in the past when it was at its prime but the last year of improvements have really made the game shine again. I don't have a ton of free time and I wouldn't waste it if it wasn't fun. I've been playing since 2004 so I've been through all the ups and downs.

    Anyway I'm posting to see if anyone is interested in playing Star Wars Galaxies with myself and my role playing guilds. This is an MMORPG set in the star wars universe. You can find the game in most walmarts or any game store and it comes with a free month to try it out, much like WoW. It does have a 15 dollar per month monthly fee, but they are constantly adding content to the game, you don't pay just to play it supports further development.

    Anyway I've set up a roleplaying Jedi 'war' between Light and Dark Jedi on the newest server, TCPrime. To access our server you need to load the game normally and when you get to the screen that has the 'Play' button look to the bottom right and click on test center. This server is only 3 months old and the economy is very young, perfect for a new player. Also on our server you will be allowed to create up to 4 characters.

    In SWG you can fly starships (Xwing vs Tie Fighter Style) and become a jedi, bh, smuggler, commando, officer, spy, medic, or a trader that creates in game items like buildings, weapons, and droids. The ground wars are exciting and space is beautiful. It a lot of fun.

    You can find more info on the game at:

    Here's a little introduction about our guilds:

    **Incoming comlink message**

    This message is confidential. I must be brief as this channel may be monitored. Please speak of this to no one.

    We have contacted you because you have shown an ability rare in this galaxy. There is potential in yourself to do what others cannot. However as of right now you might not even know it exists. During your travels you came into contact with one of our members, they could feel your strength and potential and after observing you for an extended time we are confident you are exactly the kind of person we are looking for... However beware, there are those in the galaxy that can feel your potential and their motives are... well should you meet them you will discover the truth. Should my offer interest you and you wish to learn more then we will be in touch. We can read your thoughts and your feelings so there is no need to seek us.

    **End transmission**

    **Your comlink crackles**

    A threatening voice full of malice roars over the speaker

    Listen closely. We know who you are and we know where you reside. You are not safe from us should you decide to run. You have only one choice, and that is to do exactly as we say. You will join us or you will die. We offer power beyond immagination. Should you cross us you will never be safe again. We'll be in touch. Tell no one or else...

    **Your comlink explodes**

    The choice has been put forth. What will YOU do?

    Welcome to the FRS Guilds: Order of LIGHT <FORCE> and Dark Adept Royal Knights <DARK>

    We are jedi exclusive guilds that RP and engage in guildwar combat with a unique scoring system. We seek mature minded players to grow our already fast growing and stable ranks.

    Our infrastructure is already in place, we have a city for each guild and dedicated fulltime members. What we need most is you. No matter which guild you join we are all close, we regularly have guild events and our members help each other quest and level. We kill each other on the battlefield and help one another off it.

    <FORCE> is the guild of the Jedi order. The few remaining fledgling jedi have banned together to increase their numbers and chance for survival. There newly founded city is hidden in plain sight south of Coronet, Corellia. As they grow as an order they work to unsure the return of the galaxy to its more peaceful times. The guardians of light help others and those that are in distress. The life of a jedi is difficult but rewarding.

    <DARK> is the guild of the darkside users. They have formed a brotherhood in their darkness and as a whole attempt to control galatic events through manipulation, assainations, and covert activities. They are the sworn enemies of the Jedi order and its followers and attack force users on sight. Much of their guild is shrouded in mystery... only those closest to their leaders know of their full plans. Their city can be found north of Theed, Naboo a traditional home of the darkside. However beware, those that enter seldom leave.

    Questions are welcomed. Most questions can be answered by reading our forum at anything unclear will be answered for you.

    A few screenshots of our guildies.

    Wow, hope that wasn't too many images. Anyway those are just a few of my screenshots, you can see more on our forums:

    If you have any questions send me a pm or ask on here. I hope to see some of my lightsaber enthusiest friends in game!
    'I won't kill you, but I don't have to save you.'

  2. #2


    Hey Yoi,
    I certainly recognize the lightsaber in the last 3 pics.
    I'd love to check out the game - but I don't have the time for it. If things change I'll PM you.


  3. #3


    I have the game I've just not installed it yet. Still siting in box new since I bought it over a year ago. hehehe
    Dark Siders beware my golden blades.

    Gold 2 standing by.

  4. #4
    Jedi Council Member Barmic Rin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    London, United Kingdom


    I hate that game.

    I'm sorry all you that still like it, but I don't believe in fixing if it ain't broke.
    The CU (Combat upgrade) and NGE (New Gamer Experience) ruined it for me & thousands of others that worked our bits off to get our character force sensitive, only to have them change it so you could start as a Jedi!!!!! Months of work down the pan!

    Plus, all my Medic, Creature Handler & Architect friends had nothing to do but watch all their work go to waste!!!!!!

    And that's before we get to the monthly subscription!
    XBOX 360 Gamertag AdeganBlue

    Being so great, the owner of these wonderful forums and attached shop has filmed how to build an MHS hilt, here's the link:
    Is he just great to you all?

  5. #5


    Iam not a fan of pay to play games, I payed for it once that should be enought.

    Which is why I still love D2, Its free to play and only cost me 45$ for the battle chest set so I got alot of stuff instead of just a game.
    Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex. - Albert Einstein

    Reaganomics not Obamanomics

  6. #6


    I may play it in the future but yeah that would be annoying.
    Dark Siders beware my golden blades.

    Gold 2 standing by.

  7. #7


    Barmic, I understand what you are saying but you really have to look at it as a different game with the same skin.

    I lost as much as anyone but that was over 2 years ago. At the time I had a jedi that could easily take on 8-9 other players and kill them without breaking a sweat. Now I'm just a normal profession equal to anyone else. That doesn't bother me anymore.

    As for paying to play a game, you have to understand the genre. In MMO's there is no 'ending' the game is dynamic you choose what you do and where you do it. Everyday in game is different. It is NOT like kotor, jk, or any of the other star wars games you have played that are completely linear. Those game you play maybe 2 times to try everything and they collect dust. Think of this as you chance to 'live' in the star wars world. It's quite fun and new things are added every 3 months.
    'I won't kill you, but I don't have to save you.'

  8. #8


    Why are you playing on TC? I'm not a SWG basher but the game seriously has enough bugs on their "stable" code to make me not want to invest a lot of time on a TC server. I've had an account since day 1 (and still do) and it has certainly been through some major and most upsetting changes. I applaud you for doing this because without user based content the game gets boring VERY fast. Other than fixing the still existing bugs they need to hire a few SW fans to do nothing but sit around and create content. The engine is already there they just don't use it. However, the game can be a lot of fun if you have a good community around to support the content in game.
    “In my experience, there's no such thing as luck.”

  9. #9


    There are TONS of advantages to playing on the new Test Center Prime Server. First it is only 4 months old. Secondly there are no blue frogs here, everyone has to earn their strips.

    A few TCprime only perks:

    1. Double xp weekends once per month.

    2. 4 characters per account compaired to 2 per live server.

    3. No elder anything- I was an elder jedi but I'm sick of the huge disparity between the haves and have nots. It's been nearly 2 years since the changes and at this point everyone should be equal (and on TCPrime they are).

    4. A brand new economy. On many of the live servers new players had no chance to ever afford many of the more rare items due to an economy that had 4 years of credit gathering and maturation. Not to mention many of the ways to earn credits no longer exist in game.

    5. No server wipes, ever.

    So as you can see, if you want to have a truely re-launch style server TCPrime is perfect. They just did a major bug bash and honestly I've never had a problem with the new TC code. The first night the sever opened was amazing, you could drive (if someone made you a speeder) from one side of the planet to the other without seeing a single structure. Purely amazing.

    The only way our system works is if there is a clean slate and people are equal. Our guilds could not exist on live.
    'I won't kill you, but I don't have to save you.'

  10. #10
    Jedi Council Member Barmic Rin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    London, United Kingdom


    It's just my opinion.

    They shouldn't have changed it the way they did.
    I love Mustafar, Kashyyk & all the new areas.
    There should have been more of them though. Onderon, Commenor, Nar Shadaa for a few examples.

    Really give you a sense of variety to the galaxy.
    That's what killed it for me, limiting what you can do, making you the same as everybody else in such an enclosed area.

    I WANTED to be different. I wanted to be able to hunt animals & forage for resources for others.
    I never wanted to be all powerful like some on there, I just wanted to enjoy it.

    If you're still on there, that's cool. I'll be saving my subscription money to go towards my sabers.
    XBOX 360 Gamertag AdeganBlue

    Being so great, the owner of these wonderful forums and attached shop has filmed how to build an MHS hilt, here's the link:
    Is he just great to you all?


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