I held switch two down while adjusting the pitch control I found that if turned the pitch fully clockwise then begin to turn it slightly counter clockwise I got the low pitch with a good repeat speed, but it was too low for vader. I then pressed switch three and found it to be a good sound for a Vader voice. I would remove your jumper from switch two once you adjust it and then try switch three. I found that If I used a piece of scotch tape I could tape the microphone to my cheek to place the microphone where I wanted it then I had both hands free to adjust it. You might have to decrease the volume control also just a little bit to help with feedback but once you get the pitch low you should have no problem. Mine is very loud also and I am using the speaker that came with the kit. But the other speaker being flat will be easier to mount in your helmet. With it snowing where you are I can't think of anything better to do but stay inside and work on your kit and helemet.

Don't make me destroy you...