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Thread: Good SW books?

  1. #11


    I have read the entire New Jedi Order series (20 something books) and most of the other star wars books. I think the new jedi order is best, but that is just my opinion.

    Those who live by the sword, will die by the sword

  2. #12


    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">Originally posted by The Plague

    I have read the entire New Jedi Order series (20 something books) and most of the other star wars books. I think the new jedi order is best, but that is just my opinion.

    Those who live by the sword, will die by the sword
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">Aw yeah, the NJO is great! But it's almost the last in chronological AND release order, so it's not necessarily good to start with those.

  3. #13


    I have read many of them......long ago when first released mostly.
    As mentioned above T. Zahn and K. Anderson are always good reads.

    "Shatterpoint" was a very good read as well. Mace Windu almost took Obi-Wan's place as my favorite Jedi after reading that one.

    MAN there is a fight scene in there I would LOVE to see on the big screen....Mace vs. like seven or eight Clone trooper gunships....
    Now I'm gonna have to read it again tonight......a real good Whup A$$ fight.....

    Reality often interferes with what would otherwise be an idyllic delusion.

  4. #14


    Ok, not a novel, but if you can track down the original The Star Wars Sourcebook, by all means do so. It was meant to be a companion to the old roleplaying game, but is a fantastic resource in and of itself. It was the first book that explained all the technical stuff in the SW universe.

    "Chaka, call off Dawson, will ya?!"

  5. #15
    Council Member
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    The training simulators, duh!


    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">Originally posted by Mi Gin Gonn
    Ok, not a novel, but if you can track down the original The Star Wars Sourcebook, by all means do so. It was meant to be a companion to the old roleplaying game, but is a fantastic resource in and of itself. It was the first book that explained all the technical stuff in the SW universe.

    "Chaka, call off Dawson, will ya?!"
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    Do mean the D6 roleplay? I haven't been able to track one of those down. I have a few D6 guides and their good stuff. They covered a lot of things the D20 didn't.


  6. #16


    I liked books that really tried to show how the force worked. In "The Courtship of Princess Leia" Luke's unconcious connection was very emotional to me the first time I read it. The Jedi Academy series, including "I, Jedi", of which I am blessed by having an autographed copy, follow similar emotional tracks that I relate closely to.

  7. #17


    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">Originally posted by GrimaOllak

    Hi all. I've been reading a ton of the SW books, and I'm wondering if there are any that you folks found to be better than others?

    I haven't really been reading in any sort of order, though I did read the Force Heretic trilogy in order. My conundrum is, I'm interested in reading about the Jedi, from Padawan to knight. What I mean is, I want to read about what it's like for one of the chosen children to grow up in the Jedi academy. To learn how to reach out and touch the Force, learn to use a lightsaber, etc. So far, though, I haven't seen any of that in any sort of detail.

    Therefore, do any of the books have this? I'm sick to death of reading about aspects of Star Wars that I don't particularly care about (piloting X-wings, solving domestic disputes on foreign worlds, politics, etc.).
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    I would have to disagree with reading the books in chronologicol order, and by release date. I started with the Jedi accademy books. Luke takes on his first apprentace in this set I belive. I then read Vector Prime by R.A. Salvatore which was the first book in the NJO. I'm currently about 6 books in. I know that acouple of the characters in this set of books have a lot of discusion about the force and what it means to each of the jedi. AS far as a Padawan to knight goes I would start with the Jedi academy books and then keep reading about Jaina and Jacen.

  8. #18
    Council Member
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    The training simulators, duh!


    If you want a better taste of it in one book try I, Jedi which is Corran's experirences learning the force. He doesn't stay at the academy long, but it's some.


  9. #19


    Well as soon as I pick up Outbound flight that will be my 64th SW book. Shatterpoint was good. I also liked Cloak of Deception...good twist to it. As for following a jedi growing up etc...I can't think of a certain series that does that. The biggest thing that I have run into is descrepencies in time lines and events. For example if you read I Jedi (another favorite, it's about Corran Horn) then read the Jedi Academy Trilogy they take place at the same time and have many of the same events in them. Only thing is that they will have characters in on that were not in the other. In I Jedi there is a part in a cave at the academy with luke and the other students. Corran saves the day. In the Jedi Academy trilogy he's not even mentioned. I would say that if you like SW there won't be a book that is bad. Just some may be better than others. I didn't think I would like the Medstar series being more about doctors and clone troopers but I felt it was very good as well. I have had no problem with jumping around in the time line. I can't wait for the new series..I want to see if Jacen goes to the darkside.[}] I think he will be truley a force (no pun intended) to be reconed with.

  10. #20


    I've read a few SW books. They were pretty good, but I always felt the authors had "handcuffs" on their subject matter. I really wish they would just blow it up with new ideas. Go way back in time. Focus more on the people and individual planets, and not always on the fate of the Whole Galaxy. I'm not a writer, but I'd always imagined a scenario where the rulers of a particular planet, let's say a king, would send his heir to the temple to be taught the ways of the jedi when that child was very young, and then that jedi would return in his teens as an ambassador between that kingdom and the council. A kind of crown prince who's a jedi. Also, acting as a kind of "Merlin" to his father. I could imagine this taking place on many types of planets in different kingdoms. Or even imagine a king who was very pro-jedi who had twin sons or three sons, let's say,and that all of them trained in jedi ways. And how they would all have their own styles and personalities.
    This is just one of many ideas I see for Star Wars. And many might argue that there's so much out there already, but I really believed that the potential has only barely been tapped.


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