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Thread: Lightsaber almost used as REAL weapon..

  1. #1

    Default Lightsaber almost used as REAL weapon..

    Yesterday, I attended my city's annual buskerfest, and had a great time. I wore my Jedi robes, and proudly carried my MHS lightstaff. My friends and I usually attend these events in costume. Unfortunately, two of my friends could not make it, and my other friend forgot her outfit. But that was okay. My lightsaber got a ton of compliments, and I had quite a few fun duels with buskers and even a group of cool goths.
    All was going well until I headed for the bus stop to meet up with my dad and go home.

    As I walked past a downtown office building, I passed a side stairwell leading up to its entrance. I noticed two people sitting there, and thought nothing of it until the female of the couple began to squeal "Oh my god, what the f*ck.." It wouldn't be the first time somebody has seen six feet of azure blue light passing by and squealed in surprise, so I didn't pay her much heed until she jumped out and began screaming threats and profanity at me, proclaiming that she was drunk, and saying all manner of stupid crap, telling me to "get the F out of here!!" BAAAD MOVE, girlfriend. Real bad move. I have zero tolerance for being threatened, especially for doing nothing worse than walking through a public place minding my own business.

    While she was screeching at me, my hands were uncoupling the saber at its midpoint, leaving me with two hard, sharp striking ends in case she was foolhardy enough to attack on me. I didn't even think about it, I just found myself uncoupling the thing, prepared to defend myself with it if need be. I warned her several times to back off, and that continuing to follow me would NOT be a healthy move on her part.
    As I rounded the corner, keeping my eyes on her, I aksed several passers-by if they had seen a cop. No luck, none around. There did happen to be one of the building's security guards there, a big stocky fellow. I only too happily informed him that there was a violent drunken female on the side steps of his building, and that she had been threatening me. As I headed for the bus stop (already running late at this point) I saw him heading for her. I wish I could have seen what happened next. Hopefully the little skank did something that resulted in her spending the night in the drunk tank.

    After this little confrontation, I wondered- If she had persued me and I were forced to defend myself, would those MHS hilts be capable of inflicting serious injury? I know that the threads on the coupling segment are sharp, having cut my hand on them once, trying to unscrew the piece when it was stuck in place. And that wasn't even done with force- an uppercut to the jaw with that would be no laughing matter, surely.
    The whole time this was going on,I wasn't too worried about my safety. Let's see:
    I was sober, she was drunk.
    I've had a few years of training, I would bet a shift's pay she had nothing.
    I was armed with an improvised weapon, she had nothing (hard to hide anything under her slutty tight outfit)
    I had at least a 50 pound weight advantage on her- I've got some serious muscle along with my fat, she was nothing more than skin, bones, and baby fat.
    Stupid little girl, may she one day pull her crap on somebody with much less self control than me.

  2. #2


    if it's at night, you could always have flashed the LED in the person's eyes, giving you a nice first-strike advantage. plus why use the hilt? polycarbonate will whup some ass (esp. if you got the thick-walled stuff).


    "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some idea-balls to remove from a manitee tank."

  3. #3


    you did the right thing cause ur a jedi, if it was me since im a sith, i woulda knocked him**** out

    ***notice i didnt say her because of the fact that i would go to jail for a long time if i hit a girl, instead if it were a guy i woulda smacked him right across the face.


  4. #4


    Is Amanita male or female? I don't know what kind of name that is... Or if its even a real name?

    In any case, most drunks will just fall over if you tip them the right way. []


  5. #5


    I'm female Amanita is botanical Latin- translated into english, it means Angel.
    And I only thought about using one of the LED's as a blinding instrument afterward. If I am ever threatened again, I surely will. And yes, the polycarb would sting like a mo-fo, but the metal would hurt more

    The fact that she was drunk was a huge reason why I felt no real threat from her- a drunk's reflexes, coordination, and reactions tend to be right in the toilet anyhow- that's why drinking and driving sucks.
    As for why I didn't smack her skanky ass into the pavement? Legally that would have been over the line, since at that point, she hadn't touched me. However, had she attempted to so, hitting her would have become self defense.

  6. #6


    If swung properly, you could have killed her with a head strike. Probably good you let the little hussy go.

    "Follwing the teachings of Revan during the Mandalorian wars, this young Jedi participated in the slaughter of countless Mandalorians. Unlike many of his brethren, he never fell to the Dark Side. With his connection to the Force severed, he walked into the darkness of Exile. Blessed and Cursed with a rare Force disease, he now wanders the Outer Rim serving Justice to the Unjust with his green lightsaber...never aging. Only a fatal wound will end his suffering. A master of Form V: Shien, this broken Jedi forever searches for his path back to the Light.

  7. #7


    Polycarbonate blades are practically unbreakable. When applied to the human body in the appropriate manner, they can cause a great deal of damage. The damage would be the same as any other staff applied to the human body: bruises, broken bones, skin ruptures, damaged organs, etc... If you are well trained in the use of a lightsaber it should be considered a weapon and applied with discretion.

    "Destroy the Sith we must!"
    Master Yoda

  8. #8


    Though if you would attack with the saber held how it's supposed to be held (by the hilts of course), a solid swing to the side of her head would knock her senseless...that PolyC hurts like a son-of-a-gun.

    "Follwing the teachings of Revan during the Mandalorian wars, this young Jedi participated in the slaughter of countless Mandalorians. Unlike many of his brethren, he never fell to the Dark Side. With his connection to the Force severed, he walked into the darkness of Exile. Blessed and Cursed with a rare Force disease, he now wanders the Outer Rim serving Justice to the Unjust with his green lightsaber...never aging. Only a fatal wound will end his suffering. A master of Form V: Shien, this broken Jedi forever searches for his path back to the Light.

  9. #9


    As a nurse, let me assure you that a 1" polycarb blade if used properly and under the right conditions can be a LETHAL weapon. At the very least you could cause a significant amount of damage in the way of blunt force trauma, broken bones and ruptured organs. Bear in mind also the legal ramifications of a situation like this. An assault against an unarmed opponent with a potentially lethal weapon. Granted it would've likely been considered self defense, and by a woman. These both would've weighed heavily in Amanita's favor. However it is well to bear the legal ramifications of beating the bejesus out of someone with a lightsaber before actually doing so.

    "Good must not be measured on a scale as small as Mr. Land's brash heroics. What he would do one day, he would gladly undo the next! To be of benefit goodness must be constant, forever building, it must have strength!" - Captain Nemo

  10. #10


    Hmm, I don't know what I'd do in a situation like that. Use the dark side to lay her out on the curb or try to reason with her and remain peacful knowing full well it was the alchohol that was threatening me. maybe that's because I do not have an alignment yet...


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