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Thread: I can't seem to get the electronics to slide out in my 2007 MR Anakin saber.

  1. #1

    Default I can't seem to get the electronics to slide out in my 2007 MR Anakin saber.

    Mine looks a little different than the conversion tutorial model, but it looks just like this fellow's so I know it can be done. The problem is I've removed every screw I can find, but the electronics still will not come out. I even cut my finger pretty bad trying to do it. Is there some sort of trick to this specific model?

  2. #2


    Are you sliding it out in the right direction? I tried pushing out through the pommel side at first, but that wasn't working, so then I just pulled the blade out from the emitter side, and that did the trick.

  3. #3


    Yeah I tried with both directions. I even tried prying with a flat head on the emitter side and it still feels like there's something holding it in.

  4. #4


    I actually figured it out. The metal "housings" around the for show buttons that hide the screws are not part of the main body as they originally appeared and have to be removed.


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