Just calculating the resistors I need for my build. At first I had .5w 1.8 ohm resistors for the blues and 2w 1 ohm for the white LED, but after reading a bit it seems that 2w 1 ohm will work for the blues as well. Is this a correct assumption? The blues are listed at 3.1Vf @ 350 mA, but I'm assuming this is a conservative number? Tim has them listed at 3.47v @ 1000mA. So with Tim's numbers 2w 1 ohm would be perfect. I also have a 5mm blue accent LED, 3.3v @ 20mA, so the resistor should be 1/8w 22ohm. Does this sound right? One last question, I'm using the white LED as FoC, does it need a resistor? I've been researching for a while here and I've seen people saying it does not need one. Why is that? Probably gonna pick up a resistor for it today just in case. Thanks as always everyone for the help.