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Thread: Mace Windus 05 Saber

  1. #1

    Default Mace Windus 05 Saber

    Is a convertion ever going to be availible for the Mace Windu saber[?]

  2. #2
    Owner of the Custom Saber shop Strydur's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    Yes, I will do a mace as soon as I get time.

    The Custom Saber Shop

  3. #3


    With so little blade recessed into the hilt, the Mace Windu saber would benefit the most from a custom blade holder by our patron, Strydur. Otherwise, a removeable blade would be too likely to come flying apart during a duel. They are such a pain in the neck to convert, I would definitely buy a custom saber shop kit for the Mace.

  4. #4


    i hav emodded a mace, there wasnt enough room to make a removable assembly unless i take otu the sound and clash board, but i didnt, mine is now modded with non-removable blade.

    its the one on the bottem, the vadar fx is there for comparisons
    im working ont eh color filter

  5. #5


    if you dont want to make a removable blade, the easiest thing to do is cut off some of the defuser (about 2 in) and then stick you luxeon with it's optics into the balde it sef, you will have to remove part of the supporting plastic column that runs through the tube.

    what i did was just twisted all the wires from the LED blade except for 1 (the grounding) and just soldered each one to it's appropriate place, if i rember correctly, the groun ding should either be the purple or the brown wire. just play around with it and find the right one.

    the inside of the hilt, like i said earlier, is extremely cramped, it would be hard to jsut fin the blade holder the shop sells, if it is to use it, it would need to have 2 flat surfaces for the front of the inside holder, and also needs to be gutted and refitted with a smaller sound and clash board.

  6. #6


    Can someone tell me how to remove the power switch on the MR Windu Saber?.

    I have managed to take mine completely apart, except for the power switch which seems to be the lynch pin that keeps the final outer piece covering the electronics housing.


  7. #7


    use a small screw driver (the flat kind) and carefully, but firmly ply it out, be careful not to detach the metal cap from the plstic thing that is glued to the switch, because if you do, it would not reattach firmly (that happened to me) it would take some time to take it out wihtout damaging anything.

  8. #8


    Thanks!. I actually got it off last night, and was able to take the saber down completely.

    There is tons of space in there, and the blade is recessed into the hilt a good 4-6 inches. More than enough to anchor a removeable blade IMHO. The guy at Ultrasabers mentioned that the Windu could be converted to Luxeon, but not removeable blade. I think that is wrong. To me, the only reason not to do removeable blade on the Windu is that there is no external thumbscrew etc like there is on the Vader and the Anakin to hold the base of the blade in.

    I'm willing to modify my Windu saber if it means adding a simple set screw.

  9. #9


    hm... mine is only ike 2-3 inches into the hilt, and the electronics kinda gets in the way of the luxeon + optics

    can you take some pics of its inside after u modify it? so that we can see how to make it removable

  10. #10


    I could be wrong, I didn't use a ruler, I just eyeballed it. Still 3 inches should be sufficient with an anchor screw.

    I don't think I could modify it without one of Strydur's kits. I'm not sure if I could do it using an existing Vader kit. I'm planning to order one to mod my Vader saber so I will experiment with it.


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