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Thread: OBK ROTS Parts list

  1. #1

    Default OBK ROTS Parts list

    Hello Everyone,
    I'm sorry if this is posted somewhere else, but i'm new to this site. I am trying to figure out what parts I need for a ROTS Obi Wan Lightsaber. I did see an earlier post with the Hilt pieces and I think I have that but I want to know what the best options are for everything. Lights, tubes, sound, all of it.

    This is what I have so far:

    bh 8
    ribbed groove choke combo
    2 or 3 extension
    pommel 3 v2
    box 7
    either black or natural card

    I can't figure out what switch I would need for the activation box 7.... so if you have any ideas, please let me know.

    I appreciate all the help you can offer and again, i'm sorry for being a noob!


  2. #2
    Council Member
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    You can make a decent looking Obi with those MHS parts. I think you'll want the 2" extension, not the 3". You will want the MHS Gear piece in there too. Play around with the MHS Builder. It's one of the tabs at the top of the page.

    As for switches, that depends on what guts you are putting in the saber. What's your plan?

  3. #3


    2" extension and the MHS gear behind it. The Box 7 will fit right over the 2" section perfectly. Personally I'd get that box out of the scratch & dent section while its there for only $5.

    I did mine with a PC2.0 and for switches, I used the equivalent of switch17, momentary tactile. I didn't buy them from here, but its the same thing. I couldn't tell the size of them, and bought a couple of 3 different lengths elsewhere to make sure they protruded just the right amount. I drilled holes in each end of the box (lengthwise) and the switches sit inside with just the buttons sticking out. You can see them, but they aren't totally noticeable since they blend in with the black painted ribbed section and Gear that they stick out over. To hold each in place, I have 2 screws that go down into the bottom of the box threaded through there into the main body. The screws hold little pieces of plastic (actually pieces I cut from a plastic bottle cap) that are held in place by the screws and form kind of an L shape that pushes up against the back of the switches to hold them in place. The base of the switch sits up against the inside of the box while the button sticks out the hole. These switches are tiny. The base is like the size of a pencil eraser and the button is like the size of a 1/8" drill bit, maybe a little smaller. You can just barely see the rear switch in one of my pictures. I don't have any with a clear view of it.

    There are likely a few ways to do this, this is just how I did it. But your MHS list is right on with the exception of the gear. As far as the cram-fu, my soundboard is up in the ribbed section in a chassis I made from a plastic tube, the rear was a disaster that I made work, but I've just got in a new Pommel 3 v2 that has the larger inside diameter than before. That and the plastic chassis pieces and speaker hold 4 will allow the speaker to set up inside the pommel and give a lot more room than I had before when I had the battery behind the speaker. Also, the card was a pain to get in the slot. I had to sand down the edges of the card quite a bit.

  4. #4


    I believe that the natural circuit cards have the Obi ROTS design printed on the back...or they used to anyway.

    LED Saber Combat Master Instructor
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