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Thread: RGBA LED + MR Yoda Soundboard = Please Help

  1. #1

    Default RGBA LED + MR Yoda Soundboard = Please Help

    I am currently making my ideal saber (RGB LED + RGB Crystal Chamber that matches main led + a Vibrating Motor). I have looked over these forums for hours and hours and there are still a couple questions that I have. Here is my current wiring diagram:

    Shout out to Matt Thorn and Lord Maul for their amazingly helpful diagrams and everybody else for their help.


    The questions I still have are:

    (1) What is the voltage output of the soundboard? (That way I can figure out the resistors I need for the LEDs)
    (2) Is this too much running off of a 6V battery pack?
    (3) What is the best lens option for the LED Engin RGBA LZ4-20MA10? Should I just file down the luxeon lens sold here?
    (4) Is there anything wrong or things I should do better with this wiring diagram?

    Thank you everybody for all your help. Sorry for all the questions.

    Last edited by WickedWharf; 09-14-2011 at 07:25 PM.

  2. #2


    There's a few things to re-think with that wiring diagram first off. I'd suggest looking at the thread here

    There's info there on how to limit the voltage to the board, and then give the correct voltage to the LED. You're going to need a 7.4V pack to run that LED by the way.

    The most glaringly obvious thing to me here is the buckpuck - you're running that straight into the sound board, when it should only power the LED. The sound board should be in parallell. You may have some current issues as well, especially when running the saber as a white.

    Your RGB crystal chamber will not mirror the colour of the blade in the present state. If you didn't use the A on the RGBA then it would be closer, but as it is it will be way off when the rotary switch is set to be using the amber die in any way.

    There's a few more things, and better ways to explain it, but I'm not knowledgeable enough to do that right. I think you need to go back to Matt Thorn's threads and re-read them very carefully.

  3. #3


    Thanks pointoforigin, Yeah i figured the crystal chamber would be off by not having a Amber LED in the crystal chamber. I can't find a RGBA led small enough that won't drain a ton of energy from the main led. In the end i probably won't hook up the amber side. Looking at Matt's thread it looks like he is able to run the Main LED off of the board as I have in my diagram. this is where i originally got this idea from

    I also updated my diagram.

    Thanks for the help.
    Last edited by WickedWharf; 09-10-2011 at 07:42 AM.

  4. #4


    That looks much better to my inexpert eye. I'd get a second opinion, but it could work.

    Looking at Matt's diagram again, he's used 4 AAA batteries for the right voltage to the board. Using Nimh instead of li-ion could give you your rechargeable solution and keep the right voltage. You could potentially then get rid of the voltage regulator and the pnp transistor.

    I just checked the spec sheet of the LED again, and realise I gave you some wrong info before - the highest voltage needed to run the green is only 4.1v @1A, so you could easily run it straight from the board. Sorry about that.

  5. #5


    Yea I would love to be able to use the 4 AAA's but I just don't have enough room in hilt. By using the rechargeable batteries i would be able to put the soundboard on top of the battery pack an open an inch or two in my hilt that I don't have

    Thank you very much for your help so far I really appreciate it.

  6. #6
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    You can use 4 AAA NiMH batteries for 4.8V and 1000 mAh. The sound board will fit on top of those very nicely.

    Live long and...I mean May the force be with you.

  7. #7


    Awesome I currently have the speaker + 4AAA Battery pack in another saber and it just skipped my mind to buy the 4AAA battery pack without the speaker. Thanks!!! I have updated the diagram does everything look good to you guys?


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