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Thread: A little help please

  1. #1

    Default A little help please

    im kinda new to the whole custom lightsaber deal, n was wondering what electronics i need to make a rgb lightsaber at home using parts from TCSS (well preferably from TCSS) any help would be appreciated PS i have looked over most of the threads and im kinda confused now thats why im posting this

  2. #2


    Have you built a lightsaber before?
    How much experience do you have with electronics? Soldering?
    Have you ever worked with simple electrical diagrams?

    If this is your first foray into the world of saber crafting, you might want to try a single color lightsaber. It's a lot simpler, and can always be converted later.
    Read this section of the forums, there are some very nice tutorials at the bottom that will give you step-by-step instructions for constructing a basic saber.
    We all have to start somewhere. The journey is all the more impressive by our humble beginnings. for the lazy man's resistor calculator! for getting resistor values the right way!

  3. #3


    no i have never built one, yes years of wiring n soldering random stuff (i get bored easy) ill look it over, thanks for the help.

  4. #4


    Take a look at some of the Part Check threads, that's where I was able to learn what I needed to compile my list.

  5. #5


    A saber with a single color LED and no sound is no more complicated than a flashlight. You can add more to it once you are comfortable. In-hilt recharging, accessory LEDs, sound boards, hot-swappable colors, etc are all wonderful things, but I wouldn't recommend them for a first build.

    Know your skills, know your limits, then aim for just a bit beyond them.
    We all have to start somewhere. The journey is all the more impressive by our humble beginnings. for the lazy man's resistor calculator! for getting resistor values the right way!

  6. #6
    Council Member
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    Good advice is Silver Serpent giving you.

    Listen to him, you should.
    In order to see the Light,
    you must sometimes risk the Dark.

    BLUE 8 Ready to ROCK and ROLL!

  7. #7


    So many of us are looking at the rgb lightsaber. Its so cool to think about changing the collar on the fly or having that kick butt purple saber. But really look into every thing and read and re-read everything before you make up your mind. There are lots and lots of people here that will help you, if you are willing to put in the time and do research also on your own. From what i have read and the advice i was given If your going to add sound and dont want a battery pack that is huge. Then go with a 3 or 5 watt LED set up. Anything larger gets more complicated with calculating things so you dont burn out your LED or sound card. Also the more watts you through into it the bigger your heat sink will have to be. Trust the people here. Because the more people we get into this the cooler it becomes and the more people we can show off are sabers to. Good luck "You have taken your first step into a larger world"-Obi-Wan
    "A correction added to one’s store of knowledge. It was a thing to be grateful for, not something to take offense at. "
    "Choose what is right, not what is easy"

  8. #8


    i wont be able to build it for a few months so ill research as much as possible. oh i gotta say that out of all the forums ive posted in your replies are by far the nicest


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