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Thread: new (maybe) way of saving saber renders

  1. #1

    Default new (maybe) way of saving saber renders

    ok....i ended up stumbling across this method of saving my saber hilt renders and have been using faithfully ever since.

    1. on the builder, set 0 at the first grid line and construct your hilt with the pommel on tht line and 1/2 inch below the top of the grid.
    2. ctrl print screen
    3. open paint and paste
    4. start at the grid location 3/4 inch past teh BH and 1/4 inch below the lowest point of the hilt. from there select the hilt, 1/4 in past the 0 in line and all the way up to the bottom of the grey bar where the manipulator controls are
    5. cut
    6. select all and delete
    8. save into folder of choice
    9. open up the file with a photo view irfan view for example (its wht i use)
    10. select the paint image and crop
    11. save to original folder and over write.

    it looks like a lot, but it takes less then two min....maybe 1.5. so not only are you saving tim some money by not using the save function on the builder.....but youre getting a render with the measuring scale included.

    let me know if i described it well enough. sometimes im not so good at that.

  2. #2


    why not just use the SAVE BUILD button to export/save the image of the hilt you just made?

  3. #3


    "so not only are you saving tim some money by not using the save function on the builder.....but youre getting a render with the measuring scale included."

    the whole point of doing this is to *not* us "save build". you also end up with something better as a bonus. apparently you missed tht point.
    Last edited by kage_no_mozaiku; 07-30-2011 at 09:18 AM.

  4. #4


    Um... I dont know where you got the idea that you save Tim money by not hitting "save," but I would listen to someone on the council like xl97. Just my two cents.

  5. #5


    I just tried Save Build and it didnt work...didnt when i tried a few days ago I also had to use print screen...but at least now the part pics are full size again, including the new switch pics and BH20, so the rounded areas of some parts are no longer distorted by the smaller size they were at then. Thanks Strydur for putting them back to full size.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Jedi_Knight_Zekk View Post
    Um... I dont know where you got the idea that you save Tim money by not hitting "save," but I would listen to someone on the council like xl97. Just my two cents.
    Because a copy of your render gets made and placed on the TCSS server for you to download. Lots of renders = lots of server space, which Tim has to pay for.

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  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Jedi_Knight_Zekk View Post
    Um... I dont know where you got the idea that you save Tim money by not hitting "save," but I would listen to someone on the council like xl97. Just my two cents.
    dont you read to teh msg when you hit save build?

    "please only create images of projects you feel best fits your builds final state. exporting images is a bonus feature that takes up server space and resources. so be courteous of the host of this application as it is provided free of charge for the community"

    my way dont take up said resources and as i said retain the measuring scale for future reference which you dont have if you use save build. a side note? just because someone higher up says something.....dont always mean their right. so i would suggest not blindly following people just because of rank. not trying to insult you xl97, its just a basic fact of life.

    Quote Originally Posted by Skottsaber View Post
    Because a copy of your render gets made and placed on the TCSS server for you to download. Lots of renders = lots of server space, which Tim has to pay for.
    my point exactly.
    Last edited by Jedi-Loreen; 07-30-2011 at 01:17 PM.

  8. #8


    look, "I" wrote the MHS Builder. So please dont act like you know what your talking about.

    it auto cleans the images saved on the server every few days or so.. (I dont recall exactly)

    if your point of having the measurements is a bonus for 'you'..then thats great.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by xl97 View Post
    look, "I" wrote the MHS Builder. So please dont act like you know what your talking about.

    it auto cleans the images saved on the server every few days or so.. (I dont recall exactly)

    if your point of having the measurements is a bonus for 'you'..then thats great.
    hey....its not only me wht scott said....and hes been here "long" before i was. and by the way?....dont act all high and mighty with me....its rather unbecoming as well as rude. all im doing to support my project is wht ive read. if its not true....then it needs to be reworded to support what youre saying.

    actually...forget it. lock the thread and let it get lost to the sands of time. ive presented a better way of doing this with only one supporter. and most of wht ive gotten is a bunch of crap, mainly from teh creater of the program who i think is just butthurt cus im challenging his pet. beginning to regret even starting the thread and sharing this advancement. honestly.....its how it goes with all of wht i post....except for a few comments ive made here and there. so screw not posting or commenting anymore and im not coming back to read any responses here so if you have anything negative to say....dont bother cus youll be talking to the wind.
    Last edited by Jedi-Loreen; 07-31-2011 at 12:59 AM. Reason: Edited for going around Swear Filter

  10. #10


    Kage, I'd like to invite you to tone it down a little, before this becomes another flame thread.
    We really don't need any more of those.

    I understand the purpose of your post, and to be honest, it's the only way I ever save renders.
    I screenshot, and then disassemble and reconstruct the renders in Photoshop, so that I have full control of the parts in layers.
    We all appreciate you trying to help Tim out, but even the best intentions can quickly be overshadowed by overzealous pride.

    xl knows his stuff. He didn't get his council seat just by being four years your digital senior.
    He got it by going above and beyond the call of sabersmith and forum member, and doing more than was asked of him to help Tim and the community.

    You're not the first new member to show up and misinterpret others intentions, nor will you be the last, but let me say in no uncertain terms: you're walking the path of the dark side.
    Just as you're not the first to speak out aggressively when you feel transgressed, you wouldn't be the first to be banned for overly heated posts.

    I'm not trying to be all "high and mighty," nor frankly, is anyone else.
    I just think you'll better benefit the community, and yourself, by taking a step back.
    You posted your recommendation, and for better or worse people have read it.
    If you have anything else constructive to post, feel free to, but keep your personal arguments off of the public threads.

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