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Thread: Heat Shrink for Battery Packs?

  1. #1

    Default Heat Shrink for Battery Packs?

    Hey Everyone,
    So I am building a new saber and want to put in a rechargeable battery pack. I have been reading and researching here and believe I can build the pack. I have just two small questions about heatshrink for the pack. What is the best type/size to use? Where should I get it from? I have gotten everything for this saber from Tim except the battery pack wrap, which he does not sell. So I was hoping to get a little advice from everyone. Thanks!

  2. #2


    due to the fact that this forum is attached to the store no links will be providede

    Google heatsrink and you will find what you are looking for

    as to what people use it depends if you are doing 3.7 v or if you are doing a barrel roll

    like the tutorial

    depends on which way you go will depend on the size of heatsrink

  3. #3


    Yeah, I am well aware that the forum is linked to the shop. Since Tim does not sell such an item, I did not see the harm in asking for a brand and size. I have googled for the item and have found different sites, different types, and different sizes. You make a good point about size, though. I should have thought to put that. Just making a two AA battery pack using the tenergy batteries from the store. Thank you

  4. #4


    The shop sell heatsrink is why we don't link outside sources for it

    as to the size i believe 1 1/4 or 1 inch will suit not positive though

    question are you using a PCB too might be difference if you are

  5. #5


    thank you for the size suggestion and no, no PCB at this time

  6. #6


    no problem but with using other sites for the heatsrink shipping is a little costly so if u gonna order ...order at least 5 to 10 feet to save on shipping costs

  7. #7


    I don't think the store sells shrink wrap. This is different from heat shrink for wires.

  8. #8
    Jedi Initiate Loachri MacTalabh's Avatar
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    Sunrider is right, the shop doesn't sell heat shrink for making packs. Shrink wrap is what they make gift baskets with. You can all so use a high temp tape. Az and J-Lo have covered this in other threads.

  9. #9
    Jedi Knight
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    Azmaria Dei's Avatar
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    if you google 'shrink sleeve matrix' the first link should take you to a nice chart with all the sizes for what pack you need. also, be sure to get PVC heatshrink too. much thinner and perfect for batteries.

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  10. #10


    Thanks Azmaria and Loachri for the helpful tidbits of info.


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