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Thread: How I'd change the Star Wars Universe

  1. #61


    Kyle Kataryn always reminded me of what I thought Han would be like as a jedi. I guess that's why I thought he was so cool. Plus, he had the "It's not what you use, it's how you use it" view of the force.

  2. #62


    I think that he only said that so there'd be an excuse for a Jedi being able to use lightning and still be on the light side. I'd like to see the "Emerald Sparks" that Luke got in the newer novels put in the games.

  3. #63



    Interesting points, all! I'm digging this topic, esp. the debate w/the balance and such. Total agreement with the whole whiney Skywalker-clan thing (Luke/Ani, here's a spoon to get the sand outta your &*$$y!), and did anyone else notice how the Skywalkers have a penchant for lopping off limbs?

    Oh, I would've given the twins better names. You mean to tell me that, in a universe full of Obi-Wans, Qui-gons, and Anakins, the absolute best that Padme could come up with was Luke and Leia?? C'mon...Also, I would've eliminated that whole line from ROTS where she goes "Hold me. Hold me like you did by the lake on Naboo..." (I just threw up a little bit in my mouth[xx(])

    I kinda support the whole Dooku mopping up the floor with Obi thing. I mean, dueling was Tyrannus' specialty! Plus, Obi needed a mark or two in the Loss column; it cements his humanity, his fallibility. Sure, he's probably one of my faves, and he had that whole "terrible-judge-of-character" thing going for 'im, but still. The true mark of a Champ is not how long you win, but what you do after you lose.

    Another thing I would've added would be to add Ian McKellan as a venerable Jedi, or maybe a cameo as Darth Plageus the Wise. Now that kat can chew the scenery; 'nuff respect to Palps, but it would've been nice to see the Sith who could actually tolerate and train that guy.

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  4. #64


    I actually really like rots but the worst part of the whole starwars series is how easy Anakin falls so damn suddenly to the sith.

    I think there should have been some sort of struggle or blackmail or something.

    Clone wars more accurately depicted the nature of the jedi as well, imo.

  5. #65


    I don't think most people had a problem with Dooku beating Obi-Wan necessarily. It's the incredible number of inconsistencies. And Dooku's technique was never completely convincing as the "maximum skill with minimum energy expended." Here's the scorecard:

    Obi-Wan beats Maul. Dooku beats Obi-Wan. Dooku beats Anakin, though Anakin shows promise. Dooku beats Obi-Wan, again, almost like he's a fly. Anakin beats Dooku. Obi-Wan beats Anakin. Maybe it's like Paper, Rock, Scissors, or something. Maybe Dooku's technique is the one that can possibly nix Obi-wan's, but if that's true it didn't come off as convincing. I personally don't like Obi's Form III, but even so, he should've been almost impenetrable defensively.

    Oh! Hey! Off the topic. What about Sidious throwing the thingys at Yoda by the hundreds like their made of styrofoam, and then Yoda finally stopping one, taking ten seconds to get it spinning and then almost hitting Sidious. I was sooo impressed with that! Not! It made me say to myself, "Come on Yoda! Kick some stinkin' butt!! What was that crap?!" Yoda should've been levitating and crushing Sidious's internal organs with his mind.

    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">Originally posted by naashar


    Interesting points, all! I'm digging this topic, esp. the debate w/the balance and such. Total agreement with the whole whiney Skywalker-clan thing (Luke/Ani, here's a spoon to get the sand outta your &*$$y!), and did anyone else notice how the Skywalkers have a penchant for lopping off limbs?

    Oh, I would've given the twins better names. You mean to tell me that, in a universe full of Obi-Wans, Qui-gons, and Anakins, the absolute best that Padme could come up with was Luke and Leia?? C'mon...Also, I would've eliminated that whole line from ROTS where she goes "Hold me. Hold me like you did by the lake on Naboo..." (I just threw up a little bit in my mouth[xx(])

    I kinda support the whole Dooku mopping up the floor with Obi thing. I mean, dueling was Tyrannus' specialty! Plus, Obi needed a mark or two in the Loss column; it cements his humanity, his fallibility. Sure, he's probably one of my faves, and he had that whole "terrible-judge-of-character" thing going for 'im, but still. The true mark of a Champ is not how long you win, but what you do after you lose.

    Another thing I would've added would be to add Ian McKellan as a venerable Jedi, or maybe a cameo as Darth Plageus the Wise. Now that kat can chew the scenery; 'nuff respect to Palps, but it would've been nice to see the Sith who could actually tolerate and train that guy.

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    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

  6. #66


    Ok, I agree, but let's not forget the whole "passage of time" thing. There was that little Clone Wars affair. He had some time to get out there, see the galaxy, grow into his own, find himself, that whole deal. And when it comes to that Master of Soresu thing, I read that it wasn't necessarily his mastery of the technique, but of the philosophy of soresu that allowed him to grow into being a top-notch fighter. Splitting hairs here, I know, but Dooku did kinda force fling his @$$ all into the platform, which he then dropped on 'im.

    Besides, Christopher Lee is what, 90 years old?! There's only so much that can translate from the novels to celluloid.

    I'm right there with you on the Yoda thing! In the Clone Wars Vol. II, he's flinging those troop transports all around, and he has trouble with a little box seating?!

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  7. #67


    One of you older guys can help me. There's some old pirate movie where a guy takes his sword or dagger and slides downs a sail from the top to bottom, slicing it in two. I aways wanted to see a jedi do that to some large metal machine like an AT-AT or something, in the movies. Just open it up!

  8. #68


    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">Originally posted by desertscorpion

    One of you older guys can help me. There's some old pirate movie where a guy takes his sword or dagger and slides downs a sail from the top to bottom, slicing it in two. I aways wanted to see a jedi do that to some large metal machine like an AT-AT or something, in the movies. Just open it up!
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    The flick was Captain Blood, starring King o' the Buckled Swashes, Errol Flynn. I think the closest we get to that was Clone Wars Vol. I, where Mace takes out the droid crater-maker thingie.

    Yes. I said thingie.

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  9. #69


    S'allright, Sai Naashar-
    We's all family here- even our black-cloaked brethren, the Sith Brotherhood. [] [}] []

  10. #70


    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">Originally posted by Daj Nallig

    S'allright, Sai Naashar-
    We's all family here- even our black-cloaked brethren, the Sith Brotherhood. [] [}] []

    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    Yeah, you're right. Like those uncles that no one likes to talk about. The ones that sit outside and watch all the little kids play and swim. Creepy.

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