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Thread: 3rd attempt at wiring.. and nothing

  1. #1

    Default 3rd attempt at wiring.. and nothing

    so i tried it my second time and nothing so i took it apart and read more threads and tried my third time and im not getting anything at all the batteries are not even getting warm so here are some pics... i tried getting closer up and clearer shots this time

    another crappy thing is i only have red wire lol sorry
    Last edited by th hunter; 12-17-2010 at 04:20 PM.

  2. #2
    Youngling iamdrake's Avatar
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    You need to put the batteries in....

    Seriously though I think someone already told you, you seem to be making a LOT of threads over a single build, try just continuing the posts you have already started. You may also want to start simpler. First go with just the LED then on your next build add an econ board. My Scottish clan has a moto "Success nourishes hope." Take smaller steps and it may help.

  3. #3


    Try this. It is a quick attempt to show it with the battery pack you are using and a recharge port. I didn't know what led you are using so the resistor doesn't have the value on it. I didn't do the anti-vandal switch on here either.

    I think you should start simpler, as has been suggested, and work you way up.
    Last edited by Darth Xusia; 12-17-2010 at 06:00 PM.

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  4. #4


    I would say start all over and use wire the size of those coming off the battery pack. Normally it is electronic components that make smoke. Damage should be visable.

  5. #5


    Would my av switch or luxIII be ruined in any way?? or even the econo board?? becuz i have this so rigt now i wired it one more time after ^^ and still is not working im thinkin i have fried sumthing but i dont know what can/ would be ruined

  6. #6
    Youngling iamdrake's Avatar
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    Yes one or more item may be fried. The lux III could have burnt out, the board could have burnt out, or the led in the switch may have burnt out.

  7. #7


    nooooo!!! lol wow im super depressed and impatient and broke so it will be at aeast til after xmas till i can even think about working on it... its lame cuz i dont have a job and this is all i have been doing... more time to get a job i guess lame thank you guys for all the effort neways i truly appreciate everyone here
    this is my roughdraft for what i want it to turn out to tho im sending in the body for powder coating in two days
    the sketch is a little off but oh well lol

    Last edited by th hunter; 12-17-2010 at 11:45 PM.

  8. #8


    Your wiring to the LED is wrong!
    Don't wire to the legs of the LED, wire to 2 adjacent pads on the star PCB. i.e An opposite pair of plus and minus.
    You also might want to wire in a speaker to those yellow wires
    Last edited by Skottsaber; 12-18-2010 at 02:47 AM.

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  9. #9
    Sith Adept dgdve's Avatar
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    OK... the way I see it this build is scrap... but thats ok, as I've said before we've all been there...

    Now its time to step back and gather some essencial tools.. one thing I think that couldve helped you even more than any of us..

    Get A MULTIMETER... it allows you to check and doublecheck your voltages BEFORE you start making connections... it will save you more money than it costs(and they are cheap)

    Your in the right place, imho you need to develop your ability to wait... before you strike.. I say this a lot but patience patience patience.. I know it doesnt seem like it but everytime you see a build posted it seems to just "appear" but in reality that build is weeks to months old.. and the "nicer" builds just take longer.. I want you to get your build completed and I know it can be done.. just... gather your thoughts, gather your tools, gather you materials, NEVER ever rush, measure everything twice, cut everything with enough room to sand it even.. and my friend... be patient

  10. #10


    hey i was wondering if the saber shop would except checks like if i sent it prior. because i dont have a credit card... however i suppose i could go to walmart and get one of those rechargeable ones


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