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Thread: lightining tube?

  1. #11


    street glow neon lightning accent tubes. thhoes are what drake was talking about. they have been discontinued but thier outer tube im pretty sure, is lexan so stronger than the crackletubes. i looked at thoes last night, seem a little too dangerous. like thoes novelty plasma balls, although the crackletubes are the effect im looking for. plus they seem so fragile and a battery solution would be crazy. also makes it undualable.

    o and kuro, that one of my ideas, was to take a polycarbonate rod, black it out, then scratch out lightining in it then light it with led's on some kind of battery powered candle board (with flicker). just wasnt sure how well it would light
    Last edited by hrdwarhax; 10-13-2010 at 05:10 AM.

  2. #12


    I was thinking if anyone was serious about using a crackle tube, you would reinforce it with tube of a stronger material, or even talk to one of the makers about using a more durable material. Powering it would only take 4 trustfires.....

  3. #13


    I'd say the easiest way would be to get some flickering red and blue LEDs for that purple effect, or maybe some 1w blue LEDs and basically have a blade in the middle, and have some kind of flicker.

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  4. #14


    I would hope that these would just be for show, anyway. As others have said, it would be too fragile to duel with. But you might be able to find one that is thin enough to fit inside a thin walled 1" OD Polycarbonate tube, maybe? Or you could custom machine a blade holder to 1.5" or bigger to accomodate the blade.

    As far as powering it via 12V DC, didn't Sunrider's SSR90 require about the same? Not sure what current it requires, but it can't be much worse, and in a staff you would have plenty of room.

  5. #15


    so im talking to a guy who makes crackletubes and other kinds of cool electric lamps. ive learned that the lamps MUST be made of glass. i can reinforce with polycarbon, but obviously sill fragile. so now ive decided to do make both a display and a dualable middle parts. yea middle tube will be interchangeable with another one. im going to need to re work the design a little to make more room for batteries, because origional design was 8 inches at either end, but only like 4 inches were open space for batteries.

  6. #16


    Glad you're doing the real thing for the display piece. It'll be epic.
    With a good camera, you'll produce saber pr0n to nearly rival slothfurnace.

  7. #17


    lol my intent wasnt to rival sloth, my intent was to make it look like i was another bright bulb. even tho im still new to the game, being my 3rd saber, i would like to think im no longer a n00b and im a contender now, now i can start posting build logs that people will read. now i can (possibly) start selling things. now i can make a name for myself ....... now i can find a blasted power supply that will fit :P.. its a hard road, but im glad i found something new to try. maby this is the new "gravy's lightwhip" or maby more along the lines of the next new "quartz crystal chamber"

    lol maby. not tryin to get famous or a tip of a hat (though wouldnt mind ) just trying to have something worth showing off that makes me a self practicing saber smith of a certain calibur

    p.s. i did just order a streetglow lightning tube that iamdrake mentioned. so once i get it, ill post up a vid cause i cant find any . i getting fast and furious one. i think was white or blue lightning. if this works, ill use some blackout in the polycarbonate and shock mount the neon tube in there

    i talked to a guy, found out i need 200 moneys for the crackle tube to make my full display version, ill hold off on that for now tho, dual versian here i come

    update 2
    i got one of thoes "fast and furious" neon lightining tubes made by streetglow. its interesting. its just a glass tube filled with broken glass and neon so the neon finds a path thru the glass. if the glass wasnt packed so tight, when i flick my wrist the lightining could change like real lightining. theres only about 8 inches of visable"lightining". electronics are about 3 inches long. i wonder if a biger tube would require more electronics space. if not, i might wanna look into a longer one. this one is 15" total inches next uip is about 20 inches, thats about as big as i want. the only thing is, this IS glass that is shock mounted in a plastic tube, ment for normal bumps in a car. not dualing. i can hit it against my hand and i hear the plastic hit the glass.
    Last edited by hrdwarhax; 10-20-2010 at 08:32 PM.

  8. #18


    i cant remember if i can do this but bump for update

  9. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by KuroChou View Post
    What you're looking for is a crackle tube....

    Or an easier approach if you don't need them to move, would be to black out some polyC tube, using a cracked paint technique, and lighting it with an led.
    I think you're on to something here. Maybe he can find some thin crackle tube and slide it into a plexiglass tube, then build his saber handle around that.

  10. #20
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    almost makes me want to build a small plexiglass plasma chamber...


    like this... i have to wonder why they discontinued it... perhaps the microwave issue... using it in the microwave looked really cool, but your drink stayed cold and the handle tended to get red hot...
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