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Thread: What games are you currently playing?

  1. #11




  2. #12


    Remember that new Toshiba laptop I bought? Well, I like it alot, but the videocard isn't top of the line or anything. So, I'm playing Neverwinter Nights Diamond Edition. It's pretty cool. I'm playing a female monk that I've outfitted to look like an aiel from Jordan's Wheel of Time books. Pretty cool. Her name is Avien. Naashar knows what I'm talking about. []

  3. #13


    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">Originally posted by desertscorpion

    Remember that new Toshiba laptop I bought? Well, I like it alot, but the videocard isn't top of the line or anything. So, I'm playing Neverwinter Nights Diamond Edition. It's pretty cool. I'm playing a female monk that I've outfitted to look like an aiel from Jordan's Wheel of Time books. Pretty cool. Her name is Avien. Naashar knows what I'm talking about. []
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    Yessir![] Time to don the Shoufa and Dance the Spears!!!

    You don't need to see any identification.

  4. #14


    Because of school/work, I've pretty much been sticking to WoW. I need to get to 60 before Burning Crusade comes out.
    Occasionally I'll play Battlefront II or Empire at War.
    I also got a free copy of Lineage II from work, so I may start yet another mmorpg and get addicted.

    I have to get my weekly Guitar Hero fix aswell.

    As for KOTOR... KOTOR made me mad because my game got bugged and I had to start all over again, so I still have not beaten it, and I don't want to start KOTOR II before beating KOTOR I.... ugh.

    I dunno if you guys have heard of Tabula Rasa, but when that comes out, I'm def. going to get it []

  5. #15


    Hey silvren and Lizard, what realms do you play on WoW? I just got it a few days ago, and i am a level 15 human warrior on Dalvynger realm.

  6. #16


    I just started playing Star Wars: Rebellion again. its a great game, though dated but still hours of fun.

    Since I gave up SWG (Star Wars Galaxies) I've been building more ligthsabers and playing more console games, I never realized how much I played that. lol


    'Your swords please, we wouldn't want to make a mess of things in front of the Chancellor.' -Count Dooku

  7. #17


    naashar, god of war is absolutely amazing if you like greek mythology. The sequel is gonna be even more amazing. I just bought a PS2 on ebay, and that will be the second game i'll buy. the first is Castlevania: Symphony of the Night... the greatest game ever created in my opinion. The soundtrack is sweet as hell, and its just an overall amazing game.

    A Jedi feels the Force flowing through him..

  8. #18


    I'm playing Empire A War on PC. I have won as the rebellion and am now going to try as the empire.

    X-Men III on X-Box. I am about 4 hours in and have been slowed in the 7th level training room trying to take out the HIVE

    Marvel Rise of the Imperfects on X-Box. Got it all unlocked!!

    I suck at Battlefront I & II on pc but not too bad on the box.
    I am trying SW Galaxies but when you are required to type without looking at the keyboard i suck there too.
    I also play Age of Empires on PC
    I have been playing Flight of the Falcon on Nintendo DS (plays all GBA games as well)

    Attention anybody playing Empire at War: I'd love to hook up online. Computer stratagey is not as good as a good seat of the pants human. Ya know that's why humans will always beat droids!! LOL

    Just PM me and let's get a little CSS online gaming club going!!!

  9. #19


    Robotron:2084, running on MAME. I like the old-school stuff[]

    "Nothing's over until we decide it is...was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!!!!"

  10. #20


    neone play counter strike source?



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