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Thread: HALO online

  1. #11
    Banned Sith Lord
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    the darkest places of your mind


    ya. i will run it by him good idea. but only members from this sight would be able to get in because of the password. so thanks for the heads up.

  2. #12



    I'm a Halo player...been playing Halo since it came out on XBOX, and Halo PC since it was released...also, I'm familiar with all of the big modding members of the Halo Custom Edition community (which is still active), and am quite fond of the Halo 2 CE map series for Custom Edition (which desperately needs more players)...

    I just gotta reinstall the game once I get my sound card working again...

  3. #13


    My Halo clan still runs 2 Halo PC servers along with a Team Fortress 2 Server.

    visit for the IPs.......the Gamespy lobby thing has always been a little hard to use.

    I used to play everyday during lunch, but I am rarely on these days. Most of the time there are a group playing.

    I am SoC BlkDOG say "Hey" if you see me.

    TK/TB/ID 8286
    501st Pathfinders Lancer
    Carolina Garrison- 501st Legion
    Blue Ridge Base- Rebel Legion
    BlackDOG across the SW forums galaxy......


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