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Thread: Rep Comm

  1. #81


    I tried using pin stripe to tape off the lines for my Forearms so that I could airbrush them today but the stripe kept on lifting off of the curves of the forearms. So after a couple tries I figured I would move onto my calves and at least get them painted today.

    I while ago I cut a piece out for the back of the knees as my plan was to set my knees up like Kris from

    I glued that on with abs glue and let it dry then filled the bottom up with Devcon plastic weld to add strength.

    The front of my legs come together with velcro and instead of going through a layer of ABS 2 layers of velcro and 2 more layers of ABS for the magnets I decided to cut the magnet shape out of the velcro and glue it right to the front piece of ABS so it only has to go through the 2 pieces of ABS. So I marked my spot

    And Cut it out

    Put on some Gorilla Glue and attached the magnet

    I just used the magnet that is going in the knee plate to hold the magnet in place while the glue set

    As I was playing with the knee after the glue dried I figured out that it moves to much so I figured that if I added a long magnet to the top the knee would pretty much stay in place by itself.

    Again held in place with teh other magnet on the outside till it set.

    I then added the glue to the magnets going on the inside of the knee and put them in place

    This is what I ended up with

    I need to weather the calves yet and I want to add a piece of material to the knee that I can snap into place on the inside of the thigh so that if I kneel I can just flip the knee up and it will not go anywhere.

    Now to get the Forearms and Hand plates done and I will be ready to put it on as one piece finally, after almost a year.
    When you can't run, you crawl, and when you can't do that, you find someone to carry you.

  2. #82


    Very Nice weather meant my Garage was nice and warm tonight so I broke out the Air Brush. I have used the toy testors air brushes before on my models, but this is the first time I ever used a "Higher end" fully adjustable one. NOTE TO SELF, TURN THE PAINT FLOW DOWN. I burnt through my first bottle of paint rather quick and it looked like it did not cover at all, I sponged it to try to salvage what I could and the paint spread very well. Any way second bottle lesson learned and the coverage was much better.

    I decided to air brush the forearms and hand plate as they are the only pieces of Sev's Armor that the blood marks are uniform. No Streaks. Mission Accomplished. Of course the tape stuck to some of the white as I was lifting it. You have to Love natural weathering.

    And the Pics.

    Taped up

    last time to see the nice white.

    Not to bad for coverage

    I hate watching paint dry

    This is probably the best shot of what the Red Gore turns out like of course it still looks brighter than it is

    All painted up

    Now I have to let it all dry and sand the paint job off, and weather. Then all my painting it done and on to adding the padding and fitting. I think I will work on the attachments while I wait for the rest of my Delta Brothers. Of course it would be funny having Sev walk around Steel City Con with a picture of the other Deltas asking "Have you seen these guys. They left me"
    When you can't run, you crawl, and when you can't do that, you find someone to carry you.

  3. #83


    Ok well I finished up weathering the last of the hard armor this weekend and I remembered to take picks of the last step I was doing in the weathering. So here is the forearms and hand plates

    First I take and put some burnt umber and black acrylic paints in small containers, I just make some out of foil and make an extra one to mix them in.

    I dip it in the burnt then in the black and dab it in the blank one to mix them a little and thin it out.
    Then dab it on the item

    Then after it drys a little I take a paper towel spray it and the piece with windex. Working from referance photos I start wiping it off and dabbing in certain areas till I get the look I want.

    This is what I end up with

    So there is all the hard parts, now on to the shoes and finally getting it all together.
    When you can't run, you crawl, and when you can't do that, you find someone to carry you.

  4. #84
    Sith Warrior Sairon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada!


    oooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Hurry up and finish it! me likey!
    New to the forum: READ, READ, READ! it's the best way not to get flamed.
    Time for a kirby dance <('-'<) (><) <('-')> (>'-')> (>'-'<)<('-'<) (><) <('-')> (>'-')> (>'-'<)

  5. #85


    So I started padding the armor pieces and working on a strapping system. I did get a belt set from the folks as OSCS so that is going to help a lot. Anyway,

    I took the shoulder straps from that set and cut them down to hold the bells on I put velcro under the shoulder pieces to hold it then on the resin insert on the bells

    Put in the padding like like Kris on the Clone boards

    and rigged up some padding for the shoulder bells, of course I forgot to take a pic of that but they are drying right now so I can still get a pic to show what I did, will just post it up next time.

    Anyway I have the belt on and working on the strapping so I had to do some measuring but while doing that I figured what the heck.

    Mind you that I do not have the pads on the bells and the straps are not set yet AND the pants I am wearing are not the final ones AND the shoes still need done BUT

    By the way what do you think of this for the shoes

    When you can't run, you crawl, and when you can't do that, you find someone to carry you.

  6. #86


    looks great!!!

  7. #87


    I really like what I see.

    The leather is a nice gore red. I would go with it

  8. #88

  9. #89


    OK I am avoiding the boots so I am working on the small details. Here is the rest of the knee plates (I have already added the magnets to hold them in place)

    I used E6000 to attach a piece of 2 inch webbing on the inside of the knee.

    I then added snaps to the inside of the shins

    Put the other half of the snaps into the webbing

    and presto with the magnets in place and the strap no matter what happens to the knees, they are not going anywhere

    I also started to figure out the shoulder attachment, this is gonna be fun

    Plus we got some paint on Tony's scorch finally
    When you can't run, you crawl, and when you can't do that, you find someone to carry you.

  10. #90


    looking even better!

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