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Thread: Clash sensor placement

  1. #1
    Youngling Swordlord's Avatar
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    Default Clash sensor placement

    Ok, so I got my hands on a Hasbro soundboard (non-FX). I understand where everything is, but I was wondering about the clash sensor (what other folks here have called the "little monkey-head looking thing"). What is the best placement of that sensor in the electronics sled we each build to put in the saber hilt? Is there a 'better' place to put it for better effect, such as closer to the blade to better register the shock of impact? Should it be mounted onto something, or left dangling freely (as it was in the saber I took it from)?

    And while I'm on the subject of sensors -- I know the clash sensor is basically a spring which opens/closes a connection to attain the desired effect. But what about the motion (swing) sensor? Is it the same spring type thing, or does it respond to changes in air pressure, thus registering swinging motion to alter the blade-hum pitch? I ask this because it is well attached to the soundboard, and I cannot discern any movement within the sensor - such as a spring - as I can with the clash sensor.
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  2. #2


    The Hasbro clash sensor is usuallu soldered onto the board and I find it unusual if it was dangling freely as you state. If you are going to heep it on the board (should look like a small chrome cylinder with a whit cap on the top of it) keep it on the board. You could de-solder it from the board and try an solder wires onto it in order to place it somewhere else in the hilt but it's not worth the time nor the effort. Try and place the board as close as possible to the heatsink as I have had best success with it mounted here. Keep in mind this sensor will not be as sensitive as a sensor that is hot glued near the heatsink but it should still work.

    As far as the motion sensor there are a couple of types. I know the hasbro types are usually a small dome shaped sensor about the size of a dime. They work via a small ball that rolls around inside the housing and when it makes contact inside the dome you get the swing sound effects. Now I am not sure about the newer hasbro boards but I know that on the MR boards there are two motion sensors. They work on the same premise that I mentioned, a small ball rolling inside a cylindrical type housing. There are usually two, one mounted horizontal and one mounted vertical hence the different swing sounds and/or combination of swing sounds.

  3. #3
    Council Member Novastar's Avatar
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    There are actually 3 motion sensors on the FX boards... one for (let's say) "left to right" motion... one for "up to down" motion... and one for collision detection.

    The first two are ball-bearings, and yup... they roll. You can hear them, especially if you turn the saber off, and rotate the saber around. You'll hear them moving around in there.

    The third is indeed a spring--which... when "sprung" either completes or breaks a circuit to trigger an event... in this case--a clash noise!

    In general, it's about the same thing from Hasbro to FX on the motion sensing. In general, it really doesn't matter all THAT much where these show up in the saber, although it's fairly arguable that they should be placed at least a few inches away from the general balance/forward hand rotation point of the saber.

    That means... closest to the "pommel" or center of the saber hilt is better than up near the forward hand position. But... you don't need to be overly concerned about such things...
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