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Thread: Anakin, really the chosen one?

  1. #41
    Jedi Initiate annon's Avatar
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    charlotte nc


    Here's one for ya,
    If they make ep. 7,8, and 9, who should play Mara Jade?

  2. #42
    Youngling LordBane21's Avatar
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    I am reading Darth Bane Rule Of Two and am almost finished. I amlooking for a good series to star after this. I was thinking that the Legacy series may be nice. does any one know a good series to start next?

    As to th mara jade comment. Its a hard one. Mabey Charleze Thareon (think thats how iuts spelt.) she was good in Aeon Flux. And she's a really good looking Girl, LOL.
    "There are no Jedi who cannot be Seduced! With time they will all Fall. Do not underestimate the Temptations of the Dark Side!"


  3. #43


    The chosen one you say?

    A'Sharad Hett eventually made his way back to his homeworld of Tatooine where he vowed to wage a private war against the new Galactic Empire. However, he eventually fell to the dark side after capture and torture by the Yuuzhan Vong and soon proclaimed himself Dread Lord and Dark Lord of the Sith, taking the name "Darth Krayt". As Krayt, he became the founder and leader of One Sith.
    Dude lives for over 150 years? To fight Cade Skywalker? Fought Obi-Wan. Is also from Tatooine? Was a hero of the Tusken Raiders? He also survived the purge....obviously.

  4. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by Cade View Post
    The chosen one you say?

    Dude lives for over 150 years? To fight Cade Skywalker? Fought Obi-Wan. Is also from Tatooine? Was a hero of the Tusken Raiders? He also survived the purge....obviously.
    He did it by spending most of his time in suspended animation using the force to communicate with his subordinates.

  5. #45

    Default Oops

    Quote Originally Posted by ThreeQuadFive View Post
    Er yeah. I tend not to write incredibly long sentances in the fasion in which I am now without punctuation and seperation of thoughts and words which is what I was taught way back when I was a kid in school.


    Not that I was trying to flame or anything; just poking fun is all .

    It was 1 in the morning and I was half sleep typing in a forum not writing to my senator. But I should know better my girlfriend is a school teacher.

  6. #46
    Jedi Initiate annon's Avatar
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    Don't let her see it, she may hit you with a ruler...
    Then again, maybe you should let her see it...she may hit you with a ruler

  7. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by MaverickJsmith View Post
    Starkiller was stronger than the emperor. And Luke needed to be saved by his Father. Very strange.

    Oh and by the way, Anakin did balance the force. Palpatine executed Order 66, paving the way for Anakin's destiny, and Anakin continued the Jedi purge. There were just two left on each side, Yoda and Obi-wan, and Vader and Palpatine.

    So, there you go. I've probably just sparked what will become a very heated debate so, out the window I go! *jumps* /crashbrokenglass

    wow just as i read the word "starkiller on this post the force unleashed advert came on... wierd...
    --------------------------------------An You------------------------------------------
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  8. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by LordBane21 View Post
    I am reading Darth Bane Rule Of Two and am almost finished. I amlooking for a good series to star after this. I was thinking that the Legacy series may be nice. does any one know a good series to start next?

    As to th mara jade comment. Its a hard one. Mabey Charleze Thareon (think thats how iuts spelt.) she was good in Aeon Flux. And she's a really good looking Girl, LOL.
    I just got done with the Legacy of the force books. Awesome series.

    oh and new Bane book in 2010 if you didn't already know.

    Quote Originally Posted by Drew Karpyshyn
    So I know what you’re all wondering: will Zannah kill Bane? Will Bane kill Zannah? Will we meet any other apprentices? Sorry, but I can’t answer any of those questions. I don’t even know exactly when the novel is scheduled for release (although I think winter/spring of 2010 is a good bet). I will tell you that I need to have the manuscript done by March, so that gives me plenty of time to put together a worthy successor to the first two novels.


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