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Thread: Dark Jedi and Sith, What the hell is the difference between the two?

  1. #21


    A dark Jedi..

    even though without the training you would still be classified as a dark jedi due tot he fact you use the dark side of the force.

  2. #22


    or you could be a darkside adept of a different sort, like the krath or the Jensari...

  3. #23

    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    British Columbia ,Canada


    yeah thats what i thought too,as along as your not a sith then your a dark jedi. A dark side adept is a dark jedi just different name for it i believe,just like being an emperors hand.

    yeah so that solves my vision. What do you guys think of general grevious as ?

  4. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by LeMoel View Post
    yeah thats what i thought too,as along as your not a sith then your a dark jedi. A dark side adept is a dark jedi just different name for it i believe,just like being an emperors hand.

    yeah so that solves my vision. What do you guys think of general grevious as ?
    I have to disagree, a dark jedi, I think, is a fallen jedi or darkside user trained by a fallen jedi, they can be distinguished from other sorts of darkside users by their use of jedi techniques and trappings, and probably combat style, where other darkside force users have entirely different ways of doing things, that are unlike the practices of jedi or dark jedi.

    I think Grievous was a cyborg, who knew how to swing a light saber, I don't think he was a dark jedi because he didn't act much like a jedi of any sort.

  5. #25


    I think a Dark jedi is not techiniclly a dark person, just a lost Jedi until provoked by someone who has accepted the Darkness Brings them into a path they cannot leave (except for some cases)

  6. #26


    I consider Dark Jedi as ex-Jedi or Sith who decide the philosophy of either Order to be flawed, lacking, too constraining or too dogmatic in practice. So, they leave the training behind. They may even be Force Sensitives that have had no official training under a Master. All they know is what they have discovered out of luck, accident or self-study. Ex-Jedi, Ex-Sith or non-affiliated Force Sensitives have no restraint on using so called "Light side" or "Dark side" abilities if the need arises. To them there is only the Force. It is the character of the individual using the Force that determines whether they are "Light" or "Dark" or "Neutral". A Dark Jedi will tend to seek a higher level of understanding and truth about the Force, foregoing useless dogmatic practices. I would equate them similar to an Agnostic in modern day religions. They don't want anything to do with either side. They just are. Some may tend to lean more toward "the Light" or the "Dark" due to the nature of their character. I prefer to call them Force Heretics myself....:O)

    Melek Ta'us
    Last edited by Melek Taus; 09-18-2008 at 11:33 PM.
    There is no light or dark. This is the true nature of the Force. I stand before you with knowledge and understanding. You stand before me with a lightsaber.

  7. #27

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    i dont think its impossible to only say a dark jedi has to be a former jedi or trained by a former jedi...

    because the empepors asssains were never trained by a jedi,but there not sith because of the rule of 2 so they must be dark jedi or dark force user of some kind

  8. #28


    Interesting view Melek Ta'us, Very interesting.

    But Lemoel remember the story is only focused on one part of the galaxy, So whose to say that this rule of two is only going on there? What if in another region of space there's another rule of two going on.

    Many Sith Masters many Sith Lords but only 2 here and many like it everywhere else.

    I mean when you look at the SW universe map you see the several areas of uncharted or whatnot space. So whose to say that in a region of uncharted space isn't a school of sith that are like the jedi with the school...ah... temple but are sith. but don't follow the laws or the ambitions of the sith that we know.

    But yeah that's my view on the rule of two.

    So back to the dark jedi thing, This is what I have been thinking about and reading this and that and here is my view.

    So I do agree that dark jedi were once jedi that didn't fall to the dark side like vader did with palpy and were taught under a sith master.

    I feel the dark jedi are just that the jedi that were exiled on a planet and learned the darker side but still use the light side powers, They are like what I would call the red mage, not as good as a white or a black mage alone but use the best of both sides.

    The sith that we think of, the dark lords, the masters, the vaders, the paplys, etc etc. They are the ones that get over come with greed and power and that's where the killing of the master comes from and why there is the rule of two. (read above for my thoughts on the rule of two).

    But that still doesn't stop thou, look at vader he has many apprentices, same with dooku, So this "the rule of two is flawed"!

    You kill your master then you get your apprentice!

    Ok so the dark jedi are the ones that originally started the thing, They were fallen jedi that never took under a sith master, They are the red mage!

    But this bugs me somewhat and it maybe just another thought of my thoughts I dont know.

    Ok there are the jedi and the temples, there are the sith with the rule of two, there are the dark jedi and there temples, The light side must have a rule of two type system itself like the sith and not have temples or schools. The two that are to carry the history and lore and teachings....Not a school of books like the jedi.

    Know what I mean?
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  9. #29

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    Hmm stil dosent compute for some reason, yeah the galaxy is monstrous but if there were more sith then we would mosy likley know about it because they would be vying for power.

    I agree that there coul;d be other Sith out there but i think they either turned light or were abanded by there master or got very injured so they cant really fight as mush anymore,cybergentic parts exctra.

    Episode 7 revolves around dark jedi, and what i have been told many times which i dont know which is or is not true that the dark jedi have been building for years and were in hiding in episode 1-6. now they decided to attack.

    Now i feel that the rule of 2 is still intact because theres nothin saying that anyones apprentices were SITH LOrds, they were dark side adepts of somekind. Which is fair to call them dark jedi.

    You think the emperor would actually teach his assasins the secrets of the sith? no way... then a bunch of them could over throw him.

    The Dark Side dosent only consist of the Sith this is a "fact". The Sith is a teaching or belief, theres other ways to fall to the dark side. Not every dark side user is a Sith. you need to know the Sith teachings.

    of course this is just my opinon ,to me it jsut wouldnt make sense any other way.

  10. #30


    I'm having problems with the need for a teacher at all. There are sects of Force users out there that have never been part of the Jedi or Sith. Jacen spends 5 years learning diiferent techniques from them. Like Force walking back in the past when he takes Tahiri back to when Anakin Solo died so she can be with him. These aren't Jedi or Sith skills...they are force skills. How would you classify them? did the Jedi and Sith come about originally? Someone discovered the Force and over time became to use it for various things. Why can't there be people out there still who do the same thing? How would you classify them? Just Force users?

    Do you have to be a Jedi or Sith to become powerful? That's like saying just because you never learned....say, Judo or Karate that you can't fight. How about the Dathormir Witches? Granted they are "Dark" but they are not Sith...nor were they.

    There is no light or dark. This is the true nature of the Force. I stand before you with knowledge and understanding. You stand before me with a lightsaber.


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