Ok, so Gundamaniac (Brian) and I are planning to shoot a video as an example of wiring up a CF from the ground up.

The plan is for us to shoot it on the 28th--then, give me some bloody TIME to cut it all together and get it ready to post. Then I'll post the link here.

In general, what we'll be doing:

* Starting from scratch--nothing "pre-done"
* All soldering will be shown
* It's Brian's board, so he'll be soldering, I'm just filming, commenting
* We'll be showing the importance of planning the wiring ahead of time
* Also, the relevance of putting it into a hilt--so... why you should make wire X longer, wire Y shorter, put a quick disconnect here but not there, etc. etc. ... ... per THIS particular hilt design
* Suggestions regarding usage of the negative leads

Suggestions or requests welcomed.

What we will NOT be doing:

* a soldering tutorial. If you don't know how to solder, look up Erv's tutorial on Y-Tube or find one you like. If you don't like how Brian solders, tough luck.
* showing a bunch of the sound fonts. That'd be for a different video.
* taking it super-seriously. I'll probably screw around a lot and give Brian as much grief as is possible. Hopefully he'll screw it up and set the board on fire and it will get 1,000,000 hits on Y-tube.

Totally kidding.