In case there is some confusion about V1 and V2 Hyperblade stuff ... I'll try and clarify. There is a major difference between V1 Driver Board and V2 Driver Board ... so you definately want to make sure you are using the V2 Driver Board. In case you aren't sure what version you are using ... here's something simple ... if you have the ability to tell the board if you are using a 7.2 Volt set-up ... or an 11.1 Volt set-up ... then you have a V2 Driver Board.

For the blades ... there is a physical difference between V1 Blade Boards and V2 Blade Boards. It's pretty simple ... The V2 Blade Boards have more LED's ... and a much better improvement with dark spots. You don't have to have a V2 Blade Board with a V2 Driver Board. You can use the V1 Blade Boards, they are capable of reaching the same brightness protential ... they just don't have as many LED's and they have more noticable gaps.

The 11.1 Volt battery packs came out when the V2 Driver Boards came out for sale. I will have to double check this, but from what I remember you need the 11.1 Volt battery pack in order to get the Hyperblade to go to max brightness. The difference between max brightness with the 7.2 volt and the 11.1 volt may not be huge ... but I do believe to get it to full potental you need the bigger battery. I will try and confirm this asap.

you don't have to worry about frying the Driver Board or the Blade Board, just keep the battery pack to no more than 12 Volts and everything should be fine.

It seems possible that if the Blue Blade Board came with a 7.2 Volt battery, then it may be a V1. The only other reason to use the 7.2 Volt (if you have a V2 Driver Board) is if the space in your hilt won't fit the larger battery.