It is a period of shopping war. Rebellious online buyers, striking from the hidden reaches of the internet have won their first Ebay bid over the rare and long sought after PlecterLabs Crystal Focus driver boards.

During the shopping, saber spies managed to steal secret plans to Plecter Lab's ultimate weapon, the Telum Infensus, an armored saber with enough power to destroy an entire saber market.

We join some of heroes amidst an excursion to purchase and acquire a Crystal Focus board online... in the confined safety of their Millenium Dual Core PC.


LUKE: Look at him. He's headed for that small PCB...

HAN: I think I can outbid him before he gets one...


BEN: That's no ordinary PCB... that's a Crystal Focus.

HAN: Whoa, it's too low-priced to be a Crystal Focus.

LUKE: I have a bad feeling about this...

BEN: Turn the shopping cart around...


HAN: Yeah, old man... I think you're right...!
Chewie, lock in the auxilary fastpay option...


HAN: Chewie, lock in the auxilary fastpay option!!...


LUKE: Why aren't we able to buy it??!!?

HAN: We're caught in a 2-hour buy out! It's locked us out, despite the buttered toast reviews pullin' us in!

LUKE: But there's gotta be something you can do!

HAN: There's nothing I can do about it, kid... I'm at full line of credit, full wallet. I'm going to have to shut down...

...but I'm not gonna leave here without a Crystal Focus!!!!!

BEN: You can't buy... but... there are alternatives to whining...
