all points taken, direction : my todo list
swings / clashes classifications : it's mainly a question of making the sounds themselves

hasid : One CF to have tons of sounds fonts... no offense but I'm not going to implement something "just" because you don't know where you put your stuff. Again, not throwing tomato but... you get the idea. Sometimes people ask things / features because it's "easier for them" but actually it's because they don't want to go over certain difficulties. For instance, I use boxes and suitcases for my sabers, I have "kits" I bring with me to conventions and nothing is missing. Always have some spares allen keys in each kit.
You have yellow teeth ? wear a brown tie. Hack the world and get organized

As for the "more easier to wire" : it does not make any sense. CF, with all the possibilities will *always* remain hard to wire, with lots of wires. If I was including all the things in a "simple way to wire with pads everywhere", the size will be multiplied by 2 or 3. Noone wants that. Who want a fisher price saber when you started with a custom aluminium one ? Or go back to DUPLO when you started working with lego techniks ?

Yes it's hard, and yes this kind of wiring isn't for everyone. Not meaning to be an elitist person, but I won't make it easier to wire to get the double size.
I know I sharp on that, but I'm not insulting anybody